
6 month check up.

Charlotte had her 6 month check up yesterday. She had 4 shots and the oral rotovirus vaccine. So far, she seems okay. Not too much discomfort, but the tylenol is helping her sore muscles ( a shot in each limb). She weighted 13 lb. 1 ounce and was 24.5 inches long. Dr. Maddie said she is taking after her sister and genetics are kicking in. She is in the 10 percentile for both height and weight. Liv was 10 % for weight but 50 for height (she was much skinnier looking because of that).

It was a good visit.

Today we went to Lo's follow up allergist appointment. Dr. Sweinburg was extremely impressed with the improvement in her skin. The problem is not solved, but at least my diet changes are making a difference. We will be going back in 6 months.

Overall, good news. Still a work in progress...........

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