
Beachy Days.

Liv and I headed down to SH on Friday morning and daddy met us down there via train Saturday morning. It was HOTTT and I couldn't imagine what it felt like in PA. My pregnancy body temperature didn't help matters. On Friday night, Johnny, Chrissy, Brian and I went out to Jay's on Third. It is a new restaurant that just opened this year and they had amazing food. Liv had a blast playground hoping with Gpop. She also loves being around all FOUR dogs. She treats them like they are her little kids. Ry and I skipped out to the beach each day during Liv's nap and I got to stay in bed past liv's early wakings (thanks to MEME and Gpop). On Saturday, we had a barbeque at the krib(kid's house). Nothing beats just hanging out by the bay sipping...........sprite.(well, beer for everyone else)

Ry and I got our boxing on (wii). And I am still sore. I had to quit midgame and Liv finished beating him up (lol).

WOOHOO, to Gpop and Uncle John. They were super busy this weekend with the electric car sales and rentals. It seems to be a huge hit on the island....

When driving home and asking Liv her favorite part of the weekend she said, "Coffee Talk". So funny. Ry and I have been going there for some iced coffee and chatting. The atmosphere is very homey and you feel like you are sitting in someone's living room. We brought her with us the one day and she must have liked it too.

But, Liv's favorite past time, is rock skipping off the dock. She would do it all day and night if you let her........... I have to say, there is something therapeutic about it......


Week full of Play.

Liv had a pretty busy week and her fair share of playgroups. On Monday, we hosted playgroup. Will and Lucy weren't here because they were busy at home being big sister/big brother. But Andrew and Nathan were here and the kids had fun in the sandbox. On Tuesday, Evan (our old neighbor), came over. While the kiddos played, mommy and Amy compared bellies since we are a week apart. On Wednesday, Liz and Ben came over. They couldn't stay long because Liz was dealing with her second missing wallet in two weeks. On Thursday, we went to grandmom's house to play with Syd and Ava. Cousin Mike was in town from Hawaii so Daddy came too. It was Mike's first time meeting Liv and the visit was great. Before we left, we got our Wii on...... Today (friday) we are having a down day before we are off to the shore tomorrow morning.


7:30 am.

If you would have told me 5 years ago that 7:30 am was sleeping in........I would have never beleived you. We are super happy in our house because Liv has been sleeping in for the past week or so (knock on wood). As much as the quarter of 6 and 6 am wakings were a phase, I HOPE this isn't. But I have come to realize that EVERYTHING is a phase with parenting.


Anniversary Weekend..

This past weekend was our 5th anniversary. Ry surprised me with Tiffany Earrings(WOOHOO). Well he gave the blue box to Liv to give me after I got out of my shower. He practiced with her saying, "Happy Anniversary" for awhile. When she gave me the box she said," Happy............Birthday". It was so cute and we were cracking up. I knew what she meant. It was the effort that counts.

We headed to the shore for some R&R. It was so great because during Liv's naps, my mom stayed at the house so Ry and I could cruise around town and go to the beach. If only we could do that during every naptime. Going to the beach with just a bottle of water and beach chair is such a PLEASURE! (no million and one toys and snacks)

Ry and I went to Sole for dinner which is one of our Faves down there. After dinner, we went back to the house and had such a great time playing Wii. I don't think I have laughed that hard in awhile. Between the laughing and the weight of the baby on my bladder, I am surprised I didn't pee myself. My bowling skills, surprised us all. My parents met up with us and Liv was playing Wii. She did so well (it was freaky). She bowled and golfed. I am sure it won't be long before we buy one for our house.

Liv had a blast down there and went playground hopping with Meme and GPop. We visited Uncle John at work and enjoyed some beverages (mine were virgin, of course) and sushi.
Two more weekends in SH then I am housebound until this baby comes. We hope to head down in Late August and September too as a family of 4.


Linvilla Orchards

Liv had a little playdate with Holly, Lexi, Maddie, and Connor at Linvilla Orchards to pick strawberries. She had so much fun picking strawberries. Everytime she found a strawberry she would think hard and decide who she is going to give it to. Depending on the size and color, she decided who would like it best. She LOVED the hayride going out to the fields and coming back. This is probably her 5th time going there so she has a hang of it now. As soon as we got on, she said, "But mommy, I don't want to see the bunny." I guess going to bunnyland at easter time was traumatic,afterall.
The last time we went produce picking it was in August and alot of what we picked were on trees. Well the strawberries were on short bushes, so it was quite a workout for me especially since the baby is sitting on my sciatic nerve and I have been having lots of discomfort. Oh well, I guess it is good for me.....
When we got back to the shop, Liv had fun running around with her friends while mommy picked out some yummy goods from the bakery. We also got some fresh picked blueberries, raspberries, and cherries. Yum! Tonight for dessert we are going to make some strawberry shortcakes. We picked so many, we are going to bring them to the shore this weekend for everyone to enjoy.


Awaiting our Arrival.

We still have 6 weeks left until our family grows. I went to the doctor's office yesterday and they talked about inducing me at 39 weeks since my labor with Liv was so fast and med-free. I am torn and not sure what to do. Maybe as the time gets closer I will have a clearer vision. The good news is the baby made her final turn and is head down (yay). I knew she was doing something last weekend because my stomach was morphing into all kinds of shapes.

Update: Still no name but we are starting to think more seriously........


Father's day.

For Father's day we went to Aunt Nichole's house. Liv had a blast playing with her cousins. I think she liked the freedom of playing in the basement without her parents. We tried to get Liv involved in a water balloon toss (fight), but she was very skeptical and scared. She enjoyed watching from the back porch though. We ordered some yummy sandwiches and had ice cream cake. It was a chill day and alot of fun to just hang out and catch up.

Dedication to Daddy.

Olivia truly is a daddy's little girl. She looks up to her daddy like he is her hero. Truth be told, I look up to him as well. He is such an amazing father. Extremely hands on......He plays with her, laughs, snuggles, teaches,....... There isn't a booboo that daddy can't kiss and make better. There isn't a tear daddy can't wipe and magically turn into a smile. The moment Liv opens her eyes for the day, she wants her daddy. I know she needs me too, but since I am the one with her ALL of the time, I am a given. But with daddy, her time with him is so special. If Liv looks up to her daddy and expects all boys to be like daddy, she will be in good hands.
Ry, we love you so much. I can't thank you enough for being such an amazing husband and dad. For the past 11 years, we have been there for each other and I look forward to the rest of out life together.

Circle of Life.

Lately, I have been doing some reflecting. Bringing life into the world is so empowering. After spending some quality time with my mom, it is so apparent to me that the relationship between a mom and her daughter is so strong and can never be broken. I will have moments where I look at my relationship with my mom and realize that I have such a fulfilled life ahead of me with two girls of my own.
When talking to Liv about her baby sister and my belly, I actually have moments where I can't believe that I was once in my mom's belly. That she probably had the same discussions with Chrissy (my older sister) before my arrival. Understanding that my body has the ability to make another person is still so difficult for me to believe (even the second time around). Not sure if it is a concept I will ever grasp.
Being a mom is a million times more that I ever expected. There are so many times I look at Liv and can't believe that I made her. From what my mom says, she still has moments like that (and that is 30 years later). The hardest part about being a mom is realizing that my girls need to learn from their own experiences. I wish I could take everything that I have learned in the past 29 years and give it to them so they can evolve beyond their years. I can love them and guide them, but ultimately they choose their path in life. My job as their mom is to support them and love them during times of success and struggle. I have to realize that I can't always be in control and fix everything. Giving them their wings is sooo hard........
The good news is, my mom gave me my wings and even though I used them for a few years, I think I have actually given them back to her. I don't want to fly or need to fly with out her. I just hope and pray that my girls will do the same. I want them to always need me in their life. Afterall, since the first time I looked into Liv's eyes, I changed my purpose in life. If all I do for the rest of my life is love and guide my girls, I will live a life that is fulfilled more than I ever imagined.

Toddlerhood Obsessions.

I know it is a natural stage of development to develop preferences and opinions in toddlerhood. Well, I had no clue it would be so particular and, at times, ridiculous. One of Liv's many obsessions is how she goes to bed. When we tuck Liv in be for every nap and nighttime she needs her Dora blanket on top of her and then her green down comforter. If they are not covering every part of her body, she will let you know. If you leave the room, she comes to her bedroom gate and asks me to re tuck her in. She also needs to have two binkies. One for her mouth and one for her hand. I am sure there are many people out there who feel a binky at 2.5 is a bad habit. I am well aware of that, but it keeps us sane and I have yet to hear of a kid getting their diploma with one in their mouth.
Liv also has to take a visual scan of her bedroom before she settles into bed. If there is anything in her room that is on the floor or for some strange reason annoying her, she has to take it and throw it in the hallway. Who knows, maybe she will be an interior decorator or Feng Shui specialist and it messes with her flow of Chi.


By the beautiful bay.

After a few long and stressful days/nights, Liv and i decided to head to the shore for a little R &R. We had a few terrible night of the croup and one night where we were moments away from going to the hospital because of Liv's trouble breathing. Luckily, the doctor gave us a prescription the next day that stopped the swelling in her vocal chords. She was a million times better the following night.

We woke up the next day and headed to meme and g-pops. We got to spend some true quality time and catch up. Pretty low maintenance (which we like down there). Just enjoying each other and the beautiful weather. We really wish daddy was with us but we are looking forward to a fun father's day weekend.

Liv had a blast at the beach. Just wanted to post some proof of it. How amazing it is to watch her play around in the same sand I grew up in....



Our household is a little (to say the least) out of routine. And needing some rest. Liv has the croup and it is miserable. She is perfectly fine all day, but as soon as bedtime hits, she turns into a barking seal. I am a hot mess, because i keep obsessing over every little breathe she takes. Please let this be over soon.......
I will keep you posted once we get back on track. Healthy thoughts PLEASE!


The Recital.

Well, let's just say Liv surprised us all. On Thursday, when Liv and I went to her dress rehearsal, she totally lost her cool and freaked out on stage. I tried to bribe her with anything I could imagine, but she had the biggest face of fear I have ever seen. The group ended up practicing without her but halfway through the song, I ran her up and put her in place. She didn't like it, but finished the dance with her friends so she could get a lollipop from Miss G.
So when Saturday came, I really was convinced that when the curtains opened,there would be an empty spot right where Liv was to stand. I had to drop her off in a dressing room for the first part of the show before she performed. She seemed okay but told me that she didn't want to go on the stage. (Earlier that day we went to Mapes and got her a few bribe toys that she could play with after the show.) Ry's family and my family all came but I already prepared them that we may not be seeing her.
Well, the time came and it was her turn. I was trying to count how many feet we saw under the curtains and there were only 5 pairs and not 6. I was sure she chickened out. The curtains opened and.........she was THERE.
The look of shock on her face when she saw the hundreds of people in the crowd was priceless. She made up her own little routine and just nervously spun her arms around. Halfway through the song, she saw us all cheering for her and yelled "daddy" and started to cry. But she didn't stop her dance! What an incredible feeling........Ry and I were so proud of her because we know how much courage it took for her to do it. As we looked up and down our row of family, there wasn't a dry eye. We all were so proud of her!
The hardest part was after her performance she had to go back to the dressing room until intermission. Ry and I couldn't wait to give her a huge hug and kiss. When it was time, Ry ran back and got her. She came back to our seats and got presents and hugs from everyone. The best feeling was to see how proud she was of herself. What a beautiful thing....


What a big girl....

Awwww, what a good mommy! The other day after lunch, I couldn't find liv so I went upstairs and found her laying in her bed with her babydoll. She said that "Lucy" needed a nap.

Besides being so involved with her babydolls, Liv is doing so many things that make her seem like such a big girl. She now calls Ry and I "Dad" and "Mom", no longer mommy and daddy (wipe a tear from my eye). She sounds like such a teenager when she says it too.

AND>>>>>>> I would have to say I think she is finally done with the diapers. It has been 8 days of big girl (giggle) panties. She still wears a pull up to bed, but has been dry 6 of the 8 nights.

My baby is growing up..........just in time for a new baby to come along......
She will always be my baby though.



Liv went on a joyride with daddy. She had a blast and enjoyed the bumps.