
Linvilla Orchards

Liv had a little playdate with Holly, Lexi, Maddie, and Connor at Linvilla Orchards to pick strawberries. She had so much fun picking strawberries. Everytime she found a strawberry she would think hard and decide who she is going to give it to. Depending on the size and color, she decided who would like it best. She LOVED the hayride going out to the fields and coming back. This is probably her 5th time going there so she has a hang of it now. As soon as we got on, she said, "But mommy, I don't want to see the bunny." I guess going to bunnyland at easter time was traumatic,afterall.
The last time we went produce picking it was in August and alot of what we picked were on trees. Well the strawberries were on short bushes, so it was quite a workout for me especially since the baby is sitting on my sciatic nerve and I have been having lots of discomfort. Oh well, I guess it is good for me.....
When we got back to the shop, Liv had fun running around with her friends while mommy picked out some yummy goods from the bakery. We also got some fresh picked blueberries, raspberries, and cherries. Yum! Tonight for dessert we are going to make some strawberry shortcakes. We picked so many, we are going to bring them to the shore this weekend for everyone to enjoy.

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