
By the beautiful bay.

After a few long and stressful days/nights, Liv and i decided to head to the shore for a little R &R. We had a few terrible night of the croup and one night where we were moments away from going to the hospital because of Liv's trouble breathing. Luckily, the doctor gave us a prescription the next day that stopped the swelling in her vocal chords. She was a million times better the following night.

We woke up the next day and headed to meme and g-pops. We got to spend some true quality time and catch up. Pretty low maintenance (which we like down there). Just enjoying each other and the beautiful weather. We really wish daddy was with us but we are looking forward to a fun father's day weekend.

Liv had a blast at the beach. Just wanted to post some proof of it. How amazing it is to watch her play around in the same sand I grew up in....

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