
8 weeks old.

She is lucky she is so darn cute.

Today at the park, I was pushing Liv on the swing. I then pretended to sit in the swing next to her and she said, "Mommy, you have a big butt." Now I know it was out of pure innocence and she was right, my butt couldn't fit in the kiddie swing. But then she preceded to repeat it over and over again and louder and louder. "Mommy has a big butt" and then cracking up. She said, "Livi has a little teeny tiny butt and mommy has a big butt."

Yeah, thanks, love. Great confidence builder 8 weeks postpartum.

Monday Playgroup.

Liv, Lucy and Nathan went to the park on Monday to enjoy the sun. After 4 days of rain, they needed to just run around and blow off some steam. Lucy cracks me up because she is so excited to tell me she is looking for worms. She must have told me like 10 times......

Liv is so proud of herself for going up and down this super steep slide by herself that she doesn't even want me looking at in her direction when she does it. I guess she is declaring some independence. Sad though because not even 6 months ago she was way too afraid to even go near it. She is getting so big!~


Lazy Sunday.

LoLo's first party outing.

On Saturday, we went to Kevin's Master's Graduation party (Brother in law). The night before was not so fun. I must have eaten something to bother Charlotte's belly because she spent the entire night on my belly (which she has never done before). This resulted is us getting like no sleep.

Anywho, the girls behaved at the party. Liv disappeared with her cousins in the basement and played like a wild child. Well, kind of, she is more the observer. Ry and I would go down and peek on her. Luckily she was with her cousins who would pull her into the fun, but it makes us sad that one day she will go to school and she won't have us or her cousins to pull her true self out. In a way we love that she is hesitant and an observer, but we know she can be wild at home when she is in her environment.

Charlotte didn't want to miss a thing. For the child who usually only has 45 min-60 min awake periods she pretty much stayed up the whole time. She took two teeny tiny cat naps. She had a little trouble winding down and cried the car ride home but once I got her down at 8, she slept until 3. So I think we may be back on track.

It was nice catching up and eating some yummy food.

Liv loves her cousins princess wardrobe. within 5 minutes of arriving, liv was stripped down and searching for princess dresses. see for yourself.....



Mommy, Mommy LOOK it is a MOUNTAIN>>
(pointing to a water fountain)
Mommy, it is a Water mountain.

Small Fry Soccer.

We signed Liv up for soccer. It is on Saturday mornings. Ry is going to play with her and Lo and I will watch on the sidelines. She is super excited. We were practicing outback. She at first would run toward the ball and try to kick it but run over it and the ball would stay behind her. Now she knows to run. stop. then kick. run. stop. then kick.
What a great way to to tire her out....... release that energy.


Liv had her babydoll in a her infant carrier carseat and put a blanket on her. She was rocking her. I said to her "Liv, you are SUCH a good mommy" She looked at up at me and said, "Just like you are."



The best email to date.

Loving Two

I walk along holding your 2-year-old hand, basking in the glow of our magical
relationship. Suddenly I feel a kick from within, as if to remind me that our
time alone is limited. And I wonder: how could I ever love another child as I
love you?

Then he is born, and I watch you. I watch the pain you feel at having to share
me as you’ve never shared me before.

I hear you telling me in your own way, “Please love only me.” And I hear
myself telling you in mine, “I can’t,” knowing, in fact, that I never can

You cry. I cry with you. I almost see our new baby as an intruder on the
precious relationship we once shared. A relationship we can never quite have

But then, barely noticing, I find myself attached to that new being, and
feeling almost guilty. I’m afraid to let you see me enjoying him—as though I
am betraying you.

But then I notice your resentment change, first to curiosity, then to
protectiveness, finally to genuine affection.

More days pass, and we are settling into a new routine. The memory of days with
just the two of us is fading fast.

But something else is replacing those wonderful times we shared, just we two.
There are new times – only now, we are three. I watch the love between you
grow, the way you look at each other, touch each other.

I watch how he adores you — as I have for so long. I see how excited you are
by each of his new accomplishments. And I begin to realize that I haven’t
taken something from you, I’ve given something to you. I notice that I am no
longer afraid to share my love openly with both of you. I find that my love for
each of you is as different as you are, but equally strong. And my question is
finally answered, to my amazement. Yes, I can love another child as much as I
love you—only differently.

And although I realize that you may have to share my time, I now know you’ll
never share my love. There’s enough of that for both of you – you each have
your own supply.

I love you—-both. And I thank you both for blessing my life. —Author


Memory Lane.

What a nostalgic time of year........

11 years ago in September, Ry and I were both students attending West Chester University. I was a Freshman. Ry a Junior. I went to my first college party ever, and met my future husband. Some may have thought I didn't have time to explore college single, but once I met Ryan, there was no need. We met at Em and Sid's (131 gay street) at their weekly Thursday night parties. I have to say, their parties were the best ever. Home Baked Habitat (sid's band) would play and everyone would just have a great time. I forget the layout of the house, but I just remember always sitting on the rooftop drinking and each bedroom had a keg in it. Who knows....

Anyways..... From that point on, Ry and I were inseperatable. I lived in the Goshen Hall and he lived on North Church Street. I will never forget 5 N. Church Street. It was the best apartment ever. Really tall cathedral ceilings, big murals on the wall (thanks to Ryan)....... and that amazing, oversized, fluffy Orange couch. I think it sucked everyone in. We have some of the best memories since it was our first year together. I can't even count how many times I walked from campus to his apartment. Luckily it was just a few blocks up. Just follow church street up the hill. The ride to campus from the apartment was an easy bike ride. No pedaling, just zoom on down.

My sophomore year, three girls and I moved off campus on Magnolia Street. Before you knew it, Ry was living with us because we were together all of the time. We lived there for 3 years. Had many AMAZING memories. Parties.......

Today we decided to go back to West Chester to see North Church St, Goshen Hall, Em's old place, Mitchell Hall, Magnolia Street....Along with our stomping grounds of 15 North, Rex's, Jitters, Jakes, the Rat...

Things have changed there, but not too much, The infamous crooked brick side walks haven't. Everyone knows they were the cops way of testing sobriety during those 3am walks home.

Only this time around we had our two little girls in tow....Just goes to show how far we have made it. WC is such a big part of our life. We spent 5 years there. Many fun-filled nights to remember or forget. Afterall, it is where we formed the foundation that our family now has.

We had a blast showing the girls (well, Liv, Lo was sleeping) everything. It is amazing how much we have changed and evolved in the past 7 years. It was kind of freaky to drive down Walnut and Church and see how much hasn't changed. It is like we didn't skip a beat. Between the two of us, it seemed like we pointed at each house having a memory of being in it at a party or knowing a friend who lived there. We felt really old......

The Annual restaurant festival was today. Today was a little different though. When we were residents, the crowds and lack of parking annoyed us. We were usually woken up by the noise of crowd filled streets at 11am. This morning we were woken at 6:30 am by the girls and were "those annoying People" . We were in WC by 10 taking a trip down Memory Lane. How time has changed......


7 weeks old.

I can't believe my little baby is 7 weeks old. She is the sweetest, most precious little baby ever. (well, brunette baby ever.....Liv was the sweetest Blondie....haha) I seriously could suck on her face all day long. I wish I could bottle up her smell and keep it forever. I don't ever want to forget that Baby Scent. There is something so pure about it.

Her smiling and cooing melts my heart. Between the two girls, I have such an overwhelming feeling of love.

First Salon-Style Mani.

I got a coupon in the Clipper magazine for a $5 Kid's manicure at a local "walk-in" nail salon. I surprised Liv with a quick little "mommy and me" quality time. She felt like such a Fancy little Girl. Even though it was a man who spoke no english, she sat on my lap and loved every minute of it. She felt so special. I had so much fun watching her.

Tyler Arboretum- Treehouse exhibit.

Saturday morning we woke up and ventured to the Tyler Arboretum. There were 17 treehouses designed by local designers and architects to explore. Some were amazing and truly tested Liv's courage. Ry and Liv went in each one while Charlotte and I strolled along the trails with them. Liv was so excited because she thought she was exploring "The Backyardigan's" and Dora's real tree houses. If she got that excited there, I could only imagine what Disney would be like.

The weather couldn't have been more perfect. We got there right when they opened so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. Before we left, we had a picnic lunch. Perfect crisp, fall day....even though it technically is the last day of summer.

Heading up to the attic to take out the fall decorations..........FUN Can't wait to plant mums.


Crazy Cousins.

The three stooges.......and Charlotte was staring at them and soaking it all in. Won't be long..... I can't believe Little LoLo will be 2 months old next weekend!


(you can't hear the class because I am on the other side of a mirrored window)



Book Worm.

Suburban Square.

This morning we met Liz and Ben at suburban square. We had lattes and sat on a bench while the kids ran around like crazy. The kids ate PBJ and we chatted. Then we window shopped. The weather was beautiful. What a relief from that summer heat.......

FYI- Liv dressed herself. She wanted to wear her fancy patten leather heels for Ben.

Like mother like daughter.

Nursing her baby while reading a book.

Binky Twins.


High threshold for pain.

Well, Liv has a double ear infection. Other than a tiny bit of congestion, and a few pulls at her left ear, we never would have known. Liv woke up at 3am asking to come in our bed. Liv ONLY does this when she is sick. When we woke up, I called the doc and thought I was just being proactive. I wanted to be prepared for tonight and if she wasn't sick I wouldn't be such a softie. Well, low and behold, she has a double ear infection. The doc said she has an extremely high threshold for pain.

Poor liv, inherited my ears. As soon as she has an ounce of congestion, it turns into an ear infection. Poor Livi!!!

Fresh air.

On monday, the girls and I planted ourselves outside all afternoon. We sad on a blanket out front under a tree and stayed there for over 3 hours. Liv had her Monday playgroup friends over. Us mom's sat and nursed the babies while the toddlers wrecked havoc.

The fresh air must have knocked Charlotte out. She slept through the night. I woke up at 3am and went to check on her. I dreamfed her then put her back down. She woke up at 7am. If that does the trick, I am pitching a tent outside.


How did I.....

I have such a mother's helper over here ( who isn't even 3 years old yet), that I often wonder how did I handle a newborn without Liv there to help me. As soon as Liv hears Lo cry, even if she is in the other room playing, she runs over to her, gives her a binky, puts a blanket on her, and puts a toy infront of her. We call her our Lil'Mama.

After bath Shots.

For Liv's baby shower, she got a personalized bath towel with her name on it. She uses it with every bath. I had to get one for Charlotte because I just picture them running down the hall together giggling with their towels on. Well I tried to capture a cute photo with the towels on them, but as you can see, I didn't succeed. I guess I will give it another try in a few months.


Growing like a Bean..

Charlotte had her 4 week appointment today (even though she is almost 6 weeks) and she weighed 9 lb 12 oz. HOLY COW! I think Liv finally broke the two digits at 12 weeks. I knew she was looking big, but I never would have though she gained nearly 25% of her weight since the last visit. The nurses joked and said I should open a dairy farm. Her weight was the 65% and her head/length were 75%.


Squeaky clean.

First of Many...

Ry and I usually each take a kid and bath them. I do Charlotte real quick, then Liv jumps in and Ry is with her while I dress, feed,and tuck Lo in. Tonight Liv was so excited to take a bath with her sister. She helped wash her feet.

Mr. Peter Pancake

The things you do to get your kids to eat........



This is after playing Choo Choo train with Meme for over 30 minutes. She made Meme be the conductor while she was the "snack giver outer". What I should have gotten was meme sitting in the train driving with the hat on.....



I just have to note that Liv has mastered Imitation. Today I had Charlotte over my right shoulder burping her while I was on the phone. The phone was pressed against my left shoulder and left ear. I glanced over on the other couch......and Liv was holding her baby over her right shoulder burping her with the phone pressed against her left shoulder, chatting away....... Too much.


Kudos to Grandfather.

Tomorrow is Grandfather's birthday. For some reason I think he is responsible for my two little angels. Is it possible for him to be giving me a gift on his birthday? I mean, these girls have really been behaving themselves lately. Thank you, Grandfather.

5 weeks old.



Liv's courage.

Everyone who knows Liv knows she has to warm up to situations rather slowly. But once she warms up she is all about it and doesn't want to stop. Liv didn't want to go down this slide by herself and cried her first time coming down with a Kangaroo U helper. Then Daddy went down with her on his lap a few times. Then he got her to go down beside him a few times. Finally, she built up the courage to go down without him. It worked out great because by the time she warmed up to it all of the other party goers were over it. So she got the slide all to herself for a good 15 minutes.

Holly's Birthday Party.

On Sunday, we all woke up and went to Holly's 3rd Birthday party at kangaroo U. Liv had a blast and Charlotte was an angel.

Aunt Chrissy and Uncle Brian.

We had a fun visit with Aunt Chrissy and Uncle Brian on Saturday.

What is the catch?

I keep waking up everyday wondering what the catch is........Charlotte has been such an amazing baby. And Liv has been an amazing big sister. I do have a few moments here and there where being a mother of 2 under 3 are stressful. For the most part,I say to Ryan, I feel like I should feel overwhelmed but I don't. I mean, the thought of what I deal with on a typical day is stressful, but when I do it, it is automatic. Afterall, I would do anything for my girls.
I owe all of the credit to the girls. Liv loves her little Sis and has accepted her with open arms into our family. I almost feel like the timing of having Charlotte could not have been anymore perfect. Liv is potty trained, in a big girl bed, can dress herself, and can entertain herself for a good amount of time too. Her imagination has sky rocketed in the past few weeks. She can look at a bucket and decide to turn it into a prop for a magic show (she did this at 5 and below the other night with Ryan).
And Charlotte, is incredible. I can actually put her down i her crib wide awake and go back in 10 minutes to her sleeping. I NEVER could have done this with Liv. I blame myself completely for that. I guess with Liv I could lay around and have her sleep on me throughout the day.
I am so in love with Liv and Lo. I actually wake up in the morning with a jolt of excitement. I can't quite put my finger on a specific thing I am excited for. It must just be that I am excited to have another day filled with so much love and laughter (with a sprinkle of tantrums.......it is interesting that no matter how many tantrums or tears I deal with throughout the day, I always rest my head on my pillow at night with a smile.)


Yea. She's advanced.

Haha, kidding. Here's Liv pretending to read.. so sweet.
She gets off to a slow start, but after that she's good to go.


just what I needed today...

Being born and raised as a jersey shore girl, I have to say labor day is kinda sad. It is the official end of the summer. Even though we haven't been down there much, I still have that same feeling I had every year growing up. Charlotte knew just what I needed to cheer up :) She talked to me and smiled like she wanted to tell me she loved me. I only caught the second part of the conversation,but by the end I had tears dripping down my cheeks onto hers.


Being Goofy.

G-Pop hair do

After charlotte's bath, I decided to style her hair and try and keep it from sticking straight up. As soon as I combed it to the side, Liv decided her hair looked like GPop's. Ry and I agreed.

spilled the beans.

For the past two yearsthe ice cream truck has driven down our street at 6 pm. We always called it the music truck because I didn't want daily battles with Liv. Well, tonight for the first time we told her it was the ice cream truck. We ran out and she bought a dora popsicle. We told her the truck only stops at our house on special days and today was one of them. That way she won't beg for it EVERY DAY.

12 pm to 3 pm on Monday.

I don't think she moved for 3 hours. She was super cozy and mommy/daddy were happy.

4 week birthday.

Poor little Lolo has baby acne on her face. I don't think the heat is helping her because it tends to irritate the skin.

4 week anniversary of becoming a big sister.....

dining out.

This is where Lo spends her time when we go out to eat. I just have to be extra careful I don't drop crumbs on her head while I am eating.

who needs mommy?


Mommy pumped so Liv and daddy could enjoy feeding charlotte.