
What is the catch?

I keep waking up everyday wondering what the catch is........Charlotte has been such an amazing baby. And Liv has been an amazing big sister. I do have a few moments here and there where being a mother of 2 under 3 are stressful. For the most part,I say to Ryan, I feel like I should feel overwhelmed but I don't. I mean, the thought of what I deal with on a typical day is stressful, but when I do it, it is automatic. Afterall, I would do anything for my girls.
I owe all of the credit to the girls. Liv loves her little Sis and has accepted her with open arms into our family. I almost feel like the timing of having Charlotte could not have been anymore perfect. Liv is potty trained, in a big girl bed, can dress herself, and can entertain herself for a good amount of time too. Her imagination has sky rocketed in the past few weeks. She can look at a bucket and decide to turn it into a prop for a magic show (she did this at 5 and below the other night with Ryan).
And Charlotte, is incredible. I can actually put her down i her crib wide awake and go back in 10 minutes to her sleeping. I NEVER could have done this with Liv. I blame myself completely for that. I guess with Liv I could lay around and have her sleep on me throughout the day.
I am so in love with Liv and Lo. I actually wake up in the morning with a jolt of excitement. I can't quite put my finger on a specific thing I am excited for. It must just be that I am excited to have another day filled with so much love and laughter (with a sprinkle of tantrums.......it is interesting that no matter how many tantrums or tears I deal with throughout the day, I always rest my head on my pillow at night with a smile.)

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