
First day of school.

Portrait Time

Making a mama proud, planting a garden....

Circle time...

Meeting Mrs. T for the first time....

Today Liv woke up and felt like it was "Her" day. She knew it was special. She picked out two outfits on her own and decided on a dress Gpop bought her. We dropped Lo off at my friends house so Liv could have mommy and daddy to herself.
Liv had no hesitation. We walked up the 2 flight of stairs to her room. Mrs. T was waiting at the door. Liv hung up her tote and walked right in. For about 10 minutes she decided to play by herself. Ry stood with her while she played with this super fun farm/garden center. After she warmed up, she wasn't looking back. Ry and I stood back and watched her. She explored the entire room. Had one on one time with all three teachers.... Liv couldn't wait for circle time. As soon as Mrs. T rang the bell, Liv was the FIRST in her circle time chair. The teacher read a story and Liv silently participated. She wasn't the student with her hand eagerly flailing in the air. She was the one with her hand 1/4 of the way up and equal in height to her shoulder. She would participate with a whispered response. But she LOVED it.

Liv didn't want to leave and can't wait to go back. On Friday, the mommy's will have coffee in the cafe while the students go for an hour by themselves. Next week will be normal time, 9-11:30 M and F.

Liv's "First Homework assignment" is to bring something in for show and tell that is red....She already decided on her circle red calculator.

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