
No more naps.

For the past month, Liv's schedule has been changing.  Since she was 18 months, she has taken a two hour nap from 1-3.  I started to notice that Liv wasn't going to bed at exactly 8 like she used to.  We would tuck her in, and she would keep coming to her door with multiple stalling techniques.  She wouldn't fall asleep until closer to 9.  
We decided to start skipping her nap.  It wasn't very pleasant because at about 3 o'clock she would seem ready for a nap.  I knew better than to put her dow so we would just fight through the sleepiness.
She just turned 3.5 last week and I think we can officially say she is done napping.  I dreaded this day for awhile, but to be honest, it isn't as bad as I thought.  I like knowing that Lo goes down at 7 and liv around 7:30.  It makes my evenings much more peaceful.

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