
Tucking Liv in...Part 2.

I have to give Liv credit, she is pretty good at going to bed right when we tuck her in and knowing she isn't coming back out until the morning. However, she still comes to her door once after I tuck her in. On the way back to her bed, she leads. She then climbs up over her bed rail like she is at a gymnastics class. I can't even explain it but it cracks me up (and totally annoys me at the same time).
It is almost like in her head she is saying, "how can I stall when my head is about ten inches from the pillow?" She uses the bed rail asa prop for her feet and props her body up in the air, then slowly lowers her butt....as slow as possible.

I give her credit, she turns a 10 second tuck in, into about a 60 second one. 6 times longer then needed.....pretty good.

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