
Doctor's orders.

Well we went to the allergist yesterday and thought we would find out if she allergic to something so we can get to the bottom of this......He didn't want to test her but we are scheduled to go back on Jan 15th for the skin pricking test.

However, he strongly advised us giving her the antihistamine that the pediatric gave us to prevent discomfort, itching, scratching, and infection. He also wants us to apply hydrocortisone twice a day to try to get a hold of all the flare ups. We have used it in the past, but not consistently due to our strong belief in healing with nutrients. We decided to cave and just do it for two weeks to see if it gets a hold of this........We figure two weeks won't hurt. He also recommended Eucerin instead of the other creams we were using. I also have to continue avoiding dairy, eggs, and peanuts until the testing is done.

Well, the doctor knows what he is talking about. All I can say is, my Charlotte is back. I know we still have to figure out if she has an allergy but in the mean time. She is BACK. She wokeup today in her crib talking (and not complaining and scratching). She was even playing with her toes (which she has yet to do because her legs are the first thing her hands will go for (to scratch). She has been SO pleasant. Napping peacefully, waking up and smiling. Playing in her various toys.....

I feel so free today. I don't have to spend my day holding Charlotte's hands or distracting her every second to try and help her forget about the full body itch.

During Liv's nap, Charlotte and I went to the mall and I just wore her on me as we shopped around. She had a blast and had no discomfort. She was able to just enjoy herself (so did I, I splurged on a pair of sunglasses ;) Merry Christmas to ME ;)

The best gift of all is freeing Lo.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am glad you will be able to get to the bottom of it soon. Funny to see the word Eucerin because I sometimes use it myself!