
Dirty Binky.

Something I don't want to forget (besides the fact that Liv is 3 years old and her lovey is her binky......) Liv only needs her binks at nap and bedtime. I haven't pushed the subject yet because I don't want to until she gives up her nap. Either that or I fear giving up the bink, gives up her nap, hence my break)

But lately when I put her down,she has named her two binkies. One is her Daddy binky (not sure why) and the other one is her Dirty Binky. She rubs it back on forth against her shirt. I am not sure if she is trying to clean it off or make it dirty. She holds it and flicks the nipple to fall asleep. Who knows......

And I am well aware that she is too old for a binky. Some kids need their backs rubbed to fall asleep or 10 stories read, liv needs two binks, one in each hand and she is out cold in 2 minutes (knock on wood). I just hope she doesn't graduate college with one.....Then again, I have yet to know anyone who has. Let's hope Liv isn't the first.....

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