
First Happy Meal.

Now fast food isn't something anyone is proud of......But today was a first.....and I am proud! Charlotte ate her first hamburger and french fry happy meal from Burger King. I did some research and she can have the hamburgers from McDonald's and BK's, but now McD's fries because they use milk in their seasoning.
So we went to BK. I was a bit disappointed that the bun has sesame seeds on it so I had to give her just the patty with no bun. (we don't think she is allergic but we were told to avoid until a further age)
But she LOVED the fries! And it felt so wonderful for both of the girls to be eating the same thing. Lately, I have been running into trouble with separating their foods and Charlotte not moaning for what Liv has. At home, I usually just feed the family with allergy safe stuff (but is it pricey!). Going out to eat is a challenge....
The best part of the experience........was that Charlie got a kid bag with the fun games on it and the toy inside. She felt like such a hot shot!

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