
Ready or Not, Here I Come.

Yesterday, we were hanging out in Lo's room after her nap.  WE usually empty her toy box and all sit on the floor and play.  Liv decided she wanted to play hide and go seek.  Her and I took turns leaving the room and counting to 10, then coming back into Lo's room to find each other.  So Liv hid first.  I left the room, came back and said, "LIVIIIII, Where are you?" (and it was super obvious because her butt was hanging out from behind the chair.  I still pretended I couldn't see her. )  "LIVVIIIIIII?!?! Where are you?"
And Charlotte, who was standing up against her toybox watching us, pointed right at Liv.  Her butt in the air.  She helped me find her.
I started cracking up and couldn't believe that Charlotte decided to participate in the game, too.

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