
I think I failed this one...

So ever since Michael Jackson died, it has been Liv's topic of conversation.  Not quite sure why.  I think it is her first encounter with death (well besides out Beta fish Cupcake- but I guess she forgets that).  


 "Mommy, why was the girl crying?" (and I know she is talking about Paris Jackson on the televised funeral)

"Because that is Michael Jackson's daughter.  And he died."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, honey, he died and went to heaven."

"Well, where is that?" (as if it a town or store he is running out to)

"It is up in the sky.  Way up above the clouds." (she looks confused)

"But, why?"

"Because, honey, when people die, they go to heaven.  They get to be with everyone else who has died."

"Will I go to heaven?" (okay, a question that felt murky hearing from my 3 year old)

"One day, a LONG time from now.  When you are older than me, older then Meme, Older then Great gram."

"But I don't want to go to heaven.  What do you do up there?"  (knowing Liv, you know she has to think every single thing through from beginning to end before she commits to anything- even the carousel, and she won't even commit to that)

"Liv, then we will all be there together.  Everyone is happy and having fun.  Everyone hugs, it is like a party."

"Okay, even Charlotte."

"Yes, even Charlotte."

"But how do I get there?"

"You float up, peacefully. Like a balloon."

"But, mommy, I can't stand on the cloud.  What if I fall?"

"Honey, you won't fall."

Looking up at the sky Liv says, "Mommy, I don't see his feet."


"Michael Jackson's.  Which cloud is he on?"

"Honey, he is way way above the clouds too.  We can't see him.  But he is happy there."

At that point, I changed the subject and said, let's go water the garden......


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