
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for my girls.

Charlotte had her 4 month appointment today. She weighed in at 12 pounds 5 ounces (the previous weigh in was a diff doc, diff scale). She had a pretty clean bill of health......However, the topic of the entire appointment was her skin. Her eczema, or dry skin..... Apparently it is in the gene pool. the doctor wasn't as much concerned as I am. She agreed it is an issue but that she has seen worse. There isn't an easy solution, that is for sure. It is all trial and error. Every kid has different sensitivities and my Charlie-bean is a sensitive little girl.

I am trying everything I can. Changing all of her toys and clothing to cotton (preferably organic), rarely bathing, using tea tree soap, taking 9 fish oil pills a day, probiotics, a potent liquid prenatal liquid vitamin, and algae; using aquaphor, borage oil, olive oil, baby oil, aloe vera, vitamin e capsules, etc.
There have been improvements but it is so day to day or minute to minute. One minute I think she looks good, I turn and her face is flared up. I think we have it narrowed down to moisture and polyester as triggers to flare ups. The next step is to change my diet. If she were formula fed it would be as simple as changing from a milk based formula to a soy one. Since she is exclusively breastfed, I have to change what I eat to make my diet dairy free. The most common allergens are dairy, eggs, nuts, and wheat. I am starting with eliminating nuts and dairy. It takes 2 weeks to be completely out of my system and 2 more weeks to be out of hers..... To stop nursing is just not an option to me. I nursed liv for over 2 years and I refuse to stop before Charlotte is a year. I think formula is great and there are many wonderful ones out there..... I am just being selfish. That is our little special time together. Having to share her attention with an older sister is a given, but she still gets that special time with me like liv did when she was little.
There isn't anything in the world I wouldn't give my girls. Changing my diet will be a challenge. Mainly because these days I eat based on convenience. What can I grab without thinking.?.... Now I have to think about everything before I put it in my mouth. But to see my little angels skin clear up and be smooth, silky, and soft like a baby's skin should be would make it ALL worth it. She has the most beautiful porcelain skin. With her piercing blue eyes and dark hair... I just only get to enjoy it every once in awhile.... And on those rare occasions, I definitely can't resist giving her a million kisses. (I still kiss her a million times a day but I have to worry if I am hurting her).
I can't wait until she grows out of this or all of our exhausting attempts at getting rid of this, WORKS....

1 comment:

Goulart-Nathe Family said...

You have my full and total support -talk to me anytime!!! I was dairy free for 6 weeks and have started adding a bit back in but am going completely free again tomorrow because I am noticing a difference in both his skin and his behavior. I agree - not breastfeeding is not an option for me :-).