
Giggle Panties.

The potty has been a topic of our discussion for many months now. Liv would go to the potty once or twice a day, but then wear her pull-ups for the rest of the day. The main reason for this was pure laziness on my behalf. So yesterday i decided to put some effort and try and conquer this before the baby comes(even though I expect a regression).
The way I got Liv to wear her big girl panties was to call them "giggle panties". I told them that they make her hinney giggle and wiggle. I have no clue where I got that idea from. It is one of those things you make up in the moment when you see your child skeptical of a new idea. Now she LOVES them. Every time she puts them on she wiggles her butt and laughs.
We also started a sticker chart that she gets to put a sticker on after each potty success. So far so good!

We actually went out twice today and she wore her panties out. I have always avoided the potty training because of the challenges it can bring onto running simple errands. She did GREAT! She didn't have to go potty when we were out at all. But she sure did love taking a field trip into the public restrooms. I never would have thought it would be that exciting.......

1 comment:

debbie said...

Corinne, I used the sticker chart too (got the idea from your mom)with each of the kids, using stars. I kept each of them in their baby boxes, and when they look through them they get a big kick seeing them. I think they don't think they were ever that small. Keep up the good work Olivia (mom too)!!! Love, Aunt Bobbie