
Tyler Arboretum- Treehouse exhibit.

Saturday morning we woke up and ventured to the Tyler Arboretum. There were 17 treehouses designed by local designers and architects to explore. Some were amazing and truly tested Liv's courage. Ry and Liv went in each one while Charlotte and I strolled along the trails with them. Liv was so excited because she thought she was exploring "The Backyardigan's" and Dora's real tree houses. If she got that excited there, I could only imagine what Disney would be like.

The weather couldn't have been more perfect. We got there right when they opened so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. Before we left, we had a picnic lunch. Perfect crisp, fall day....even though it technically is the last day of summer.

Heading up to the attic to take out the fall decorations..........FUN Can't wait to plant mums.

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