Anywho, the girls behaved at the party. Liv disappeared with her cousins in the basement and played like a wild child. Well, kind of, she is more the observer. Ry and I would go down and peek on her. Luckily she was with her cousins who would pull her into the fun, but it makes us sad that one day she will go to school and she won't have us or her cousins to pull her true self out. In a way we love that she is hesitant and an observer, but we know she can be wild at home when she is in her environment.
Charlotte didn't want to miss a thing. For the child who usually only has 45 min-60 min awake periods she pretty much stayed up the whole time. She took two teeny tiny cat naps. She had a little trouble winding down and cried the car ride home but once I got her down at 8, she slept until 3. So I think we may be back on track.
It was nice catching up and eating some yummy food.
Liv loves her cousins princess wardrobe. within 5 minutes of arriving, liv was stripped down and searching for princess dresses. see for yourself.....
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