What a nostalgic time of year........
11 years ago in September, Ry and I were both students attending West Chester University. I was a Freshman. Ry a Junior. I went to my first college party ever, and met my future husband. Some may have thought I didn't have time to explore college single, but once I met Ryan, there was no need. We met at Em and Sid's (131 gay street) at their weekly Thursday night parties. I have to say, their parties were the best ever. Home Baked Habitat (sid's band) would play and everyone would just have a great time. I forget the layout of the house, but I just remember always sitting on the rooftop drinking and each bedroom had a keg in it. Who knows....
Anyways..... From that point on, Ry and I were inseperatable. I lived in the Goshen Hall and he lived on North Church Street. I will never forget 5 N. Church Street. It was the best apartment ever. Really tall cathedral ceilings, big murals on the wall (thanks to Ryan)....... and that amazing, oversized, fluffy Orange couch. I think it sucked everyone in. We have some of the best memories since it was our first year together. I can't even count how many times I walked from campus to his apartment. Luckily it was just a few blocks up. Just follow church street up the hill. The ride to campus from the apartment was an easy bike ride. No pedaling, just zoom on down.
My sophomore year, three girls and I moved off campus on Magnolia Street. Before you knew it, Ry was living with us because we were together all of the time. We lived there for 3 years. Had many AMAZING memories. Parties.......
Today we decided to go back to West Chester to see North Church St, Goshen Hall, Em's old place, Mitchell Hall, Magnolia Street....Along with our stomping grounds of 15 North, Rex's, Jitters, Jakes, the Rat...
Things have changed there, but not too much, The infamous crooked brick side walks haven't. Everyone knows they were the cops way of testing sobriety during those 3am walks home.
Only this time around we had our two little girls in tow....Just goes to show how far we have made it. WC is such a big part of our life. We spent 5 years there. Many fun-filled nights to remember or forget. Afterall, it is where we formed the foundation that our family now has.
We had a blast showing the girls (well, Liv, Lo was sleeping) everything. It is amazing how much we have changed and evolved in the past 7 years. It was kind of freaky to drive down Walnut and Church and see how much hasn't changed. It is like we didn't skip a beat. Between the two of us, it seemed like we pointed at each house having a memory of being in it at a party or knowing a friend who lived there. We felt really old......
The Annual restaurant festival was today. Today was a little different though. When we were residents, the crowds and lack of parking annoyed us. We were usually woken up by the noise of crowd filled streets at 11am. This morning we were woken at 6:30 am by the girls and were "those annoying People" . We were in WC by 10 taking a trip down Memory Lane. How time has changed......
1 comment:
ok how fun. i loved reading your and Ryan's story and i loved even more the pics of the girls. i especially love liv's tights and the shot of her picking a winner on ryan's shoulders :)
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