Boy did we have a fun filled weekend.
We woke up Saturday morning and headed to the shore. Liv ended up sleeping in the car so she didn't have to nap once we got down there. We all ordered some lunch and just hung around for a bit. Then Meme and I went to Cape may day spa and holistic center for a massage (thanks Fam, for the birthday gift). Boy was that incredible and much needed. We shopped around Cape May for a bit and then met the gang at the Lobster House for dinner. Liv was amazing at dinner. We were there for 2 hours and she sat in a her big girl seat the whole time. She had the perfect seat because she sat at the head of the table and got to watch all of the boats going by.
The next morning, Liv walked down to Meme and Gpop's so mommy and daddy could chill in bed for a bit. Liv went to Uncle Bill's with Gpop and then delivered a box of pasteries for us kids. Then, we went for a walk on the beach with the dogs and flew a kite. We got to drive one of the electric cars from Uncle John's new shop. Sooo fun!
We decided to leave because Liv was tired and we thought having her nap in the car would be the best call. Once we got home,we did some house chores.
Then we went to Great Gram's house for some pizza and cupcakes. Liv played freeze tag with her cousins outside and had a blast.
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