
Lions, and Tigers, and Puke ......Oh, My!

Liv had a pretty nasty night on Thursday. It started out on our drive home from Grandmom's house and she said her belly had a booboo. She said, "Mommy, can you kiss it for me?" Awwwww, so sad. When we got home she was extra clingy and then asked to go to bed early. About an hour later she woke up throwing up. Then she threw up every 15 minutes until 2 am. I slept on her floor and just figured Friday would be a down day. Well, she woke up at 6 am playing me to be a fool and acted completely normal. All day she was perfect.....until dinner time. We went to Suburban for dinner and halfway through dinner she had a look on her face like she knew she was gonna get sick. We rushed out of there, and as soon as we got home she threw up everything.

But she slept through the night so we just figured it was from eating a heavier dinner after having an empty stomach. When she woke up this morning, she drank some milk.... and puked again. ARGH!

We just hope it is on it's way out. As I sit here and type,I feel pukey but not sure if I am getting sick or if it is due to the fact that my stomach is now smooshed up under my rib cage.

Until next time........much love, and HEALTH!

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