The potty has been a topic of our discussion for many months now. Liv would go to the potty once or twice a day, but then wear her pull-ups for the rest of the day. The main reason for this was pure laziness on my behalf. So yesterday i decided to put some effort and try and conquer this before the baby comes(even though I expect a regression).
The way I got Liv to wear her big girl panties was to call them "giggle panties". I told them that they make her hinney giggle and wiggle. I have no clue where I got that idea from. It is one of those things you make up in the moment when you see your child skeptical of a new idea. Now she LOVES them. Every time she puts them on she wiggles her butt and laughs.
We also started a sticker chart that she gets to put a sticker on after each potty success. So far so good!
We actually went out twice today and she wore her panties out. I have always avoided the potty training because of the challenges it can bring onto running simple errands. She did GREAT! She didn't have to go potty when we were out at all. But she sure did love taking a field trip into the public restrooms. I never would have thought it would be that exciting.......
I honestly am not claiming credit for this one. She started singing the alphabet the other day, and I do not remember ever teaching her it. Ry and I were floored when she sang the whole song.......
I promise not to become a stage mom.

But aren't these pictures adorable and way over the top? Liv was so proud of herself when posing. She chose that pose on her own. I thought she would get up there and totally bail. I held my breathe...... But as soon as the photographer said smile, she struck a pose. It was hysterical.......
We can't wait for her recital. It is in two weeks at Immaculata University. I am sure we will have footage to share (fingers crossed that she doesn't get stage frieght)
Our new miracle in the making......
I know that most of my posts consist of telling goofy little stories about Liv and how much she is growing. Just wanted to let you know, that there isn't a second that goes by that I don't think about my expanding belly and our newest little miracle. The count down has begun. Nine more weeks...... Maybe sooner, maybe later. We are having fun preparing and daydreaming about what our family will be. If her temperment is anything like she is in utero, I may be in luck. She is much calmer than Liv was. Even though I feel like I have a foot jammed between my two ribs, she only really plays around a few times a day. We don't have a name yet, but we have a list going.
Part of my nesting has been to organize and convert all of our home videos. While watching them, it reminds us that we are going to have another little angel. It is amazing how quickly you forget how tiny babies are and their precious little noises. I look at Liv everyday in such amazement that we created her. How could we be so lucky to have another.......
Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.
Have a mentioned before Liv's obsession with shoes? She puts them on the minute she wakes up in the morning (as early as 5:00 some mornings). By lunch time, she has had on 3 different pairs of shoes. She will put mine on, daddy's. As soon as a visitor comes to the house, she is eyeing up their shoes. If they take them off, they are on her feet seconds later. We swore she was eyeing up people's shoes at the Devon Horse Show.....
Devon Horse Show.
We went to the Devon Horse Show on Sunday and Liv had a blast. Since we know how much of an animal lover Liv is, it was not a surprise. She loves anything from a tiny little ant on the driveway to a big fancy horse at a horse show. We went with a friend of my dad's who has been on the committee for over 30 years. We got the grand tour and got to enjoy some yummy foods at a private party. Then Gpop took Liv over to the horses while they were warming up. She was so mesmerized, she didn't want to leave.
While waiting for the show to begin, Liv enjoyed some of the carnival rides and games (and FOOD). When the show started, we went to our box seats. Liv was cracking us up. I had her dressed in a super preppy outfit (so funny). She was clapping every time the crowd did and kept screaming "Jump, Horsey, Jump". I could actually see getting into it. The horses were so pretty and the scene felt like a movie scene. If only I could have sipped on some Chardonnay............. Maybe next time.
Has it really only been a week.....
I feel like I haven't posted in ages. We have had a pretty busy week and I have had ZERO time to sit down and post. On Tuesday Meme came up and we had some time to focus on baby prep. Even though I was feeling better from the stomach bug, I still barely had any energy. On Wednesday, Liv had ballet and then a playdate with Ben. Liz and Ben came over and the kids played, ate lunch, had Popsicles, while the moms did some mom chatting.
On Thursday, Liv and I headed to the shore for a few days. Daddy stayed home to work and go to Mike's goodbye party. Liv loves it at the shore. She thinks it is a constant party which is great except for nap and bed time. For a girl who loves her nap and usually only requires a 5 second tuck in at night, she had a bit of a struggle settling down to go to bed. It still wasn't horrible getting her down, but not what I am used to. Thankfully, once she went down, she stayed down for the night though. But as soon as the sun rose, Liv was ready to go to breakfast with Gpop (5:30 am). Even though Uncle Bills does open pretty early, I held her out until 7:30. Then I would walk her down to Meme and Gpop's. I would drop her off, then go back to BED (haha). Well, just for another hour. (Thanks, Meme). We just kinda hung around the house and sat by the bay. It was fun. Aunt Chrissy and Uncle Brian brought their new puppy down (Jady). Liv loved her. Uncle John was down with Pacie (Poor Aunt Jeanna had to work too).
Unfortunately, Ry had to deal with some drama while we were down there. Poor Corriah had another allergic reaction to a bite and was throwing up and had hundreds of bumps on her body. He had to keep giving her Benadryl and after 2 days, it was out of her system. I think she secretively enjoyed the TLC from daddy. She took over my side of the bed and everything.
Well, gotta run.... we are off to the Devon Horse Show.
Dogwood Fair.
We all went to the Phoenixville Dogwood fair on Saturday. Ryan used to live 2 blocks from the fair growing up and it was a highlight of his childhood every May. This year Liv seemed to enjoy the rides a bit more than before. We ate some cheese fries, fruit, and snow cones.
Liv seemed to be feeling much better but still not her total self. Halfway through our fun, mommy started to feel really sick. To make a long story short, and save you the yucky details, we had to leave the fair and mommy was sick the rest of the night. Being almost 8 months pregnant with a stomach virus is a far cry from fun. Our fingers are crossed that this nasty sickness has left our house (Ry start upping on your probiotics)
Liv seemed to be feeling much better but still not her total self. Halfway through our fun, mommy started to feel really sick. To make a long story short, and save you the yucky details, we had to leave the fair and mommy was sick the rest of the night. Being almost 8 months pregnant with a stomach virus is a far cry from fun. Our fingers are crossed that this nasty sickness has left our house (Ry start upping on your probiotics)
Lions, and Tigers, and Puke ......Oh, My!
Liv had a pretty nasty night on Thursday. It started out on our drive home from Grandmom's house and she said her belly had a booboo. She said, "Mommy, can you kiss it for me?" Awwwww, so sad. When we got home she was extra clingy and then asked to go to bed early. About an hour later she woke up throwing up. Then she threw up every 15 minutes until 2 am. I slept on her floor and just figured Friday would be a down day. Well, she woke up at 6 am playing me to be a fool and acted completely normal. All day she was perfect.....until dinner time. We went to Suburban for dinner and halfway through dinner she had a look on her face like she knew she was gonna get sick. We rushed out of there, and as soon as we got home she threw up everything.
But she slept through the night so we just figured it was from eating a heavier dinner after having an empty stomach. When she woke up this morning, she drank some milk.... and puked again. ARGH!
We just hope it is on it's way out. As I sit here and type,I feel pukey but not sure if I am getting sick or if it is due to the fact that my stomach is now smooshed up under my rib cage.
Until next time........much love, and HEALTH!
But she slept through the night so we just figured it was from eating a heavier dinner after having an empty stomach. When she woke up this morning, she drank some milk.... and puked again. ARGH!
We just hope it is on it's way out. As I sit here and type,I feel pukey but not sure if I am getting sick or if it is due to the fact that my stomach is now smooshed up under my rib cage.
Until next time........much love, and HEALTH!
GoodBye Cupcake.
We went to Merry Place and said goodbye to cupcake. Liv did a good job. She held him in the car (in a ziplock back) and carried him to the creek. Daddy put him in the water. Then Liv had fun doing her favorite past time.....throwing rocks in the water.
Cupcake :(
Poor old Cupcake. Cupcake was our Beta fish that we got for Liv around her 2nd birthday. We thought it would be a good way to teach responsibility. Every day Liv would help feed him. Every week, we would give him his bath (clean his bowl).
Well, We noticed he wasn't doing too well last week. He wasn't swimming around as much. Then on Saturday, we noticed he stopped breathing and died. We easily could have gone out and gotten another Beta fish and Liv would have never noticed. But, we really think it is important to teach her the circle of life. Starting off small is helpful for her (and us). I have to say, when I told her, I got teary eyed. It just made me realize that we will one day have to be the deliverer of bad news (ex. Corriah, family).
We told her that Cupcake went to Fishy heaven to play with other fish. She knows that we won't get to play with him again but that he is happy and in a better place. She seemed concerned, but relieved when we told her he was okay. He lived 7 months with us and who knows how long before we bought him. Ryan looked it up online and their typical life expectancy is 1 year (so not too bad).
This weekend we plan on bringing him to Merry Place (our family Havertown nature spot) and putting him in the creek with the rest of the fish.
We plan on getting another fish in a few weeks. Maybe she will name this one Cookie......
Well, We noticed he wasn't doing too well last week. He wasn't swimming around as much. Then on Saturday, we noticed he stopped breathing and died. We easily could have gone out and gotten another Beta fish and Liv would have never noticed. But, we really think it is important to teach her the circle of life. Starting off small is helpful for her (and us). I have to say, when I told her, I got teary eyed. It just made me realize that we will one day have to be the deliverer of bad news (ex. Corriah, family).
We told her that Cupcake went to Fishy heaven to play with other fish. She knows that we won't get to play with him again but that he is happy and in a better place. She seemed concerned, but relieved when we told her he was okay. He lived 7 months with us and who knows how long before we bought him. Ryan looked it up online and their typical life expectancy is 1 year (so not too bad).
This weekend we plan on bringing him to Merry Place (our family Havertown nature spot) and putting him in the creek with the rest of the fish.
We plan on getting another fish in a few weeks. Maybe she will name this one Cookie......
Mother's Day Weekend
Boy did we have a fun filled weekend.
We woke up Saturday morning and headed to the shore. Liv ended up sleeping in the car so she didn't have to nap once we got down there. We all ordered some lunch and just hung around for a bit. Then Meme and I went to Cape may day spa and holistic center for a massage (thanks Fam, for the birthday gift). Boy was that incredible and much needed. We shopped around Cape May for a bit and then met the gang at the Lobster House for dinner. Liv was amazing at dinner. We were there for 2 hours and she sat in a her big girl seat the whole time. She had the perfect seat because she sat at the head of the table and got to watch all of the boats going by.
The next morning, Liv walked down to Meme and Gpop's so mommy and daddy could chill in bed for a bit. Liv went to Uncle Bill's with Gpop and then delivered a box of pasteries for us kids. Then, we went for a walk on the beach with the dogs and flew a kite. We got to drive one of the electric cars from Uncle John's new shop. Sooo fun!
We decided to leave because Liv was tired and we thought having her nap in the car would be the best call. Once we got home,we did some house chores.
Then we went to Great Gram's house for some pizza and cupcakes. Liv played freeze tag with her cousins outside and had a blast.
Like father, Like daughter.....
Liv wants to do anything that she sees daddy doing. He goes potty, she goes potty. He wears a zip up hoodie, she wears a zip up hoodie. He is on the computer, she is on her computer (she just learned how to use the mouse and play games.....) He uses a screw driver, she is right beside him trying to fix the same thing. He mows the lawn,she mows the lawn. She just started playing a game with us where we mirror each other.
St. Denis Fair
Liv and I went up to the St. Denis fair because it was the opening day. It runs for the next two weeks and it is great because it is so close to our house. Last year we didn't go because Liv wasn't as into rides as she is this year. Mommy really wanted to go and get their infamous cheese fries. YUM!
Liv spent about 30 minutes in the moon bounce. Worked for me because it was only 1 ticket ($1) and no time limit. All of the other rides were three tickets.
We met up with Will and Liv went on the motorcycle with him. She loved IT!!!!!
Right before we left, daddy took the train home which was across the street from St. Denis so he walked over and was able to watch Liv and Will on the ride......
Say, Cheese!
Well, the past few days have been pretty busy. On Friday, when we were down in Old City, Liv and I were hanging out front of the Arden Theatre waiting for Daddy to get out of work. She was blowing bubbles and I got a really close glimpse at her teeth and I noticed that her top 6 teeth had discoloration on them. We woke up Saturday and when Ryan got a good look at them, he thought they didn't look good so we called high and low to get into a dentist. To make a long story short, 3 dentist visits later, Liv had 6 cavities. The dentists said they weren't caused by food. It most likely was from me nursing her until she was 2. Apparently, once food is introduced in a baby's diet, the milk mixed with the bacteria caused by food can cause cavities. We all know that Liv was not a good sleeper until she was over 1 1/2 so when I would nurse her at night the milk would lay on her gum line and eventually caused decay.
We heard horror stories of how filling the cavities could be traumatic. There were talks of restraining and sedating her. So lets just say Ryan and I were hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. I got a call from Dr.McKee yesterday saying he could squeeze her in on Wednesday because of a cancelation. (side note-----Dr. Mckee is an absolute AMAZING dentist; if you live anywhere near the Main Line he was voted best pediatric dentist) Since we knew we were going in, mommy started dentist boot camp. Well, not really, but Liv, daddy, and I played dentist with her doctors kit. We used this goofy yellow cup as the rabbit nose(to prep for the laughing mask). We used the thermometer as the drill and told her we were tickling our teeth. the needle was the water, and she had a mouth mirror thing too. Daddy may not have appreciated being woken up at 6:30am with Liv trying to shove all of these utensils down his mouth. But it was well worth it because it really ended up helping her prepare (and me).
I was super nervous but knew we had to get this done. The dentist wasn't sure how it would go and showed Ryan how to hold her incase she was flailing. Well, lets just say Liv sat by herself in the big chair all by herself (Man, I should have brought a camera). We didn't know if she would get 1 filled or all filled.Well, she ended up having ALL of her cavities filled in one sitting. There wasn't a tear in her eyes the entire time. He used Laughing Gas (which I was hesitant on, but now wish he could send me a tank home to whip out in the middle of tantrums). We talked to her the entire time and she would talk back. Her responses made sense but she had us cracking up. She would laugh at times and list all of the Backyardigans when we asked her to. Towards the end of the visit, the "Elephant Mask" fell off and she was so good Dr. McKee kept it off.
The courage in her brought tears to my eyes. She sat up so proud of her teeth and smile. I brought a wrapped present to give her at the end but she was so darn excited to get Dr. McKee's sugar free lollipop, my gift was dirt. Oh well..... I will make sure she gets extra hugs and kisses today. She gave us the best gift ever.......pride.
First Friday and Pablo Saturday.
On Friday, we had a playdate with Ben in Old City. We went to Daddy's new work and met Chris, Liz, and Ben. We had fun hanging out in the new work space and then going to the Race Street Cafe for dinner. Liv had a blast playing with Ben and playing baseball and catch with him.
Saturday, Liv went to her first dentist appointment and we are so proud of how she overcame her fears. She let the dentist look in her whole mouth and then got a fancy troll ring and a blue's clues toothbrush.
That night, we went to the Tweeter Center and saw the Backyardigan's Live. We ended up with really good seats. 7th row, front and center. Figures, Liv freaked out at the beginning and made daddy sit in the way back with her for the first 10 minutes. Once she got acclimated, she was ready to go back to our original seats. By the end she was clapping and singing and marching....... She didn't want it to end. So CUTE! And Fun!
I just received the memo that Liv would like to go from toddlerhood straight to being a teenager. Part of me giggles because it is so funny to hear a 2 year old respond to anything I say by saying, "But, Mooommmmmmmm?" The other part of me is scared to death of raising not only 1 but two GIRLS.
Lately, Liv has become so obsessed with what she wears and she is so particular. Lord knows she isn't getting that from me because I am lucky if I can bend over to put shoes on, let alone put on some lip gloss. By 6:30 am Liv has already demanded what she is wearing for the day and completely dressed. Some mornings the first words out of her mouth are, "I want my flower shoes..... or I want my brown sneakers"
If she is like this now, who knows what age 3, 10, or 15 will bring........... I just keep repeating in my head and meditating to "it's just a phase,it's just a phase, it's just a phase........"
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