
School Days, Schools Days.

Liv has had such a great start to her first schoolyear (ever). Her teacher says that she is her little helper. She comes home and plays school and acts as the teacher most of the afternoon. She sings the song she has learned, and I hear her talking to her "students". Maybe she will be a teacher one day. I remember being her age and my imagination really making it feel real when I would play school. She makes ry and I be the students. She picks up so much from her teachers. I can tell she really looks up to them.
Thankfully her teachers are super sweet and genuinely like being with kids. I can tell when I drop her off each day that she is in great hands.
I am excited because next week in her Thanksgiving Feast and I signed up to be a parent helper. I have always promised I would be an active part in the girls school settings. This is the start. I am really excited....stay tuned.

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