While I decorated the house today for Christmas, Liv decided to decorate her dresser. (and this isn't the fist time she has done this....She often does it.) You go girl, let that creativity go.
While I decorated the house today for Christmas, Liv decided to decorate her dresser. (and this isn't the fist time she has done this....She often does it.) You go girl, let that creativity go.
Thanksgiving in SH. Part 2.
Thanksgiving in SH.
What a great escape we had this weekend.....We loaded the car and went to SH for Thanksgiving. It was super cozy and just what we needed.
As I sit here, the day before Thanksgiving, I am humbled by all that I have.
My life is full of so much love. If I would have envisioned my life 10 years ago, I never would have imagined I would be where I am. And feel as fulfilled as I feel. I have the most loving, understanding, and one of a kind husband. Because of our love, we have two of the most precious angels that are now my purpose in life.
We both have amazing families. All four of our parents are healthy and still young to relive their parenthood through our children. Without their support and love, we would not be where we are today. We have incredible bonds with our siblings and their spouses. We all live close to each other and feel this unbreakable bond.
Corriah, our first born, is still with us with her spirit 100% intact. She has this presence in the house that completes our puzzle.
Every night ends with laughter, hugs, kisses, and dancing.
I am not quite sure what I did so right to deserve all that I have. My heart is warmed and humbled each and every day.
In recovery.
Corriah spent the day on Monday at the vet. I dropped her off at 8 and her surgery was scheduled for early afternoon. The doctor called me around 3 and said that he just got done with her and she did well. She got 6 teeth pulled....yikes.
We were nervous to pick her up because we didn't know how she would be. She seemed pretty perfect when we saw her. She has to take it easy for a week and has to eat soft foods for a month.
Thanksgiving Feast.
I was the parent volunteer for Liv's school Thanksgiving Feast. I was super excited (probably more than her). The kids enjoyed their feast and then watched a turkey themed movie.
Yes, I am that mom that wants to be super involved with my kid's school. I dealt with many parents just like me when I taught. I am fine with it, as long as I am not that parent the teachers want to run from....;)
Mrs. Manners.
Whenever I give Charlie a snack or hand her something she wants....she says, "Canku" (thank you).
Poor Coockie.
Friday night Ryan noticed that Corriah's left eye/cheek was swollen. When we felt it, it was hard as a rock. I gave her benedryl incase it was a bite but that didn't seem to do anything. We called the vet on Saturday and we got right in. It is a good thing we did because she has an abscessed tooth. They gave us anti-inflammatory meds and antibiotics. She goes in tomorrow for some surgery.
It is costing a small fortune but we are just so thankful it is solvable. We can't believe our first born is celebrating her 11th birthday in three weeks ;)
(In this picture it has gone down a bit because of the meds)
Congrats to my college roomie.
Congrats to Stacy for giving birth yesterday to a beautiful baby Boy. Shane Hunter weighing 4 pounds 10 ounces. He was about 7 weeks early but he is breathing well on his own and doing well. Can't wait to see pics.
Clean bill of teeth.
Last week Liv went for her 6 month cleaning at the dentist......all is clear. We have to focus on flossing her back molars because of her history. She did an amazing job. She picked out Chocolate flavored toothpaste and wore the super cool sunglasses to protect against the bright light.
Dentist McKee is amazing and going to his office is a true treat. Liv was so excited to go. And with her track record, it is amazing that she still enjoys the dentist.
This girl is such a trooper. Her courage inspires me.
Understands so much.
Charlotte's favorite thing to do.....nod her head "yes" whenever she agrees with what I say. She has been doing this so much lately and it amazes me how much she understands....
Do you want a french fry (or any other food item)? Is Corriah up stairs? Is daddy at work? Is that Meme? Do you want to go to bed?
She nods yes. It is so sweet. I will test her and say something I know the answer is no to and she doesn't nod yes. Thankfully she hasn't completely mastered no yet (I know that is right around the corner). She sure does let me know when she isn't happy with something though. Ry calls her his little diva.....
School Days, Schools Days.
Liv has had such a great start to her first schoolyear (ever). Her teacher says that she is her little helper. She comes home and plays school and acts as the teacher most of the afternoon. She sings the song she has learned, and I hear her talking to her "students". Maybe she will be a teacher one day. I remember being her age and my imagination really making it feel real when I would play school. She makes ry and I be the students. She picks up so much from her teachers. I can tell she really looks up to them.
Thankfully her teachers are super sweet and genuinely like being with kids. I can tell when I drop her off each day that she is in great hands.
I am excited because next week in her Thanksgiving Feast and I signed up to be a parent helper. I have always promised I would be an active part in the girls school settings. This is the start. I am really excited....stay tuned.
What a Beautiful weekend!
We had an amazing weekend just enjoying this weather. We went to a library book sale and added alot to the girls library for less than a dollar a book. During Charlotte's nap, I got in touch with my roots. I spent about three hours thirft shopping. I hit up a few estate sales and got a fur winter hat, a pair of earrings, and inversion boots. Then I went to about three local thrift shops. I found a pair of citizens for $5 (rtl for 180). I also got a wide belt and a silk scarf. I spent a total of $11. Love it!!!!
Then on Sunday we went downtown to a vintage warehouse sale. This sale was about 8,000 square feet and about 150 boxes that were 6 by 6 by 4. OVERWHELMING! They had a pile of just mens blazers that was the size of our driveway. I bought a winter coat that is super fun. I dropped it off to the cleaners today.
Then we spent the rest of the afternoon in Rittenhouse. We grabbed some lunch and had a picnic. Everyone was out. There was alot of entertainment and music to dance around to.
In a few weeks, ry's office will be moving from old city to center city again. Looks like us girls will have to take more trips to visit daddy and sit in the park.
Slumber party.
Last week, Ry put our back porch tv in Liv's room (it has a vhs player too). For the past few nights, we have headed upstairs around 6:30 and we go into Liv's room and snuggle on the floor with a pile of pillows. We turn out the lights and watch a movie. There is alot of squealing, and giggling, and excitement. Liv gets so giddy and just loves that we are all cozy in her room. The funny thing is, I think I get just as giddy as her. It is like a big, family slumber party.
Poor ChaCha.
Our poor little ChaCha got a stomach bug. She was clingy and sleepy on Thursday. I thought it was just teeth (her k-9's are starting to bulge). On Friday, she was the same. Clingy, Sleepy, Whiny. I fed her lunch at 11 before I went to get Liv from school and she puked all over her high chair. I was hoping it was the cider she chugged, but she did it three more times (after each attempt at eating). She took a long nap, but still woke up whiney, clingy, and kind of out of it. My heart was aching for her. As soon as she got sick, I felt sick. I had trouble sleeping that night because I was concerned and she was restless a bit. We both slept solid from 11-5:30 which was better than I expected.
Today she was able to keep everything down. It still took her half of the day to return to her usual self. Thank goodness she did though! Now, my fingers are crossed the germs are not working themselves around the family.
Outside of two snotty colds, this is the first time Charlotte was sick. She is way to young for this....Liv didn't get her first stomach bug until she was 2.5. It was so sad to see her "not herself". But her body is an amazing fighter....The bug whipped in and out in no time and she is back;)
Best Palette award.
I think Charlotte is going to have the best palette of any other 1 year old. She will eat ANYTHING.......healthy that is. She chows down on anything I give her. Within the past 24 hours she has had the usual typical foods like apples, pears, grapes, carrots, and broccoli. Then she decided to be a little exotic and enjoy turnips, beets, tatsoi (japanese spinach), onions (just eats them plain lightly sauteed), kale, cacao nibs (raw chocolate), radacini, etc. Am I forgetting anything?
Maybe these allergies are for the good. She may end up with the best palette of all. Don't tell her what she can't eat (or she will argue with you..literally). Shove anything new in her face that she is allowed to have, and she dives in and begs for more.
Side Note: Every morning both of the girls have been sipping (and sometimes fighting) over my green smoothies. They usually have a combination of about 8 ingredients. Today's was apple, banana, cucumber, celery, spinach, kale, parsley, lemon peel, and chia seeds. In addition, they both take a multi, omegas, probiotic, and D drops.
We are fighting this cold/flu season head on with anything that will help boost our immune system. So far so good.......
Thanks Aunt Sue and Uncle Roland.
Laughing fest.
These girls get in the car and get goofy in the back seat. They pass toys back and forth and make faces at each other. Sometimes it is me they are laughing at........Being goofy and singing our girly songs on the top of my lungs (did I just admit to that?).
Parent's Visitation Day.
Today, Ry and I went to Liv's school to observe her classroom. All of the parents were invited. The kids did their normal circle time activites (the weather, date, days of the week, songs, etc). Ry and I just kept giggling and had a smile from ear to ear. We are so proud of Liv. She has come a long way from her shy and timid self. Her teacher told me that Liv is her little helper and that she LOVES school.
It was great to watch her sing all of her songs. I have been hearing them at home for awhile now.....Different watching her do them in a classroom setting and being a student. I had quite a few hundred students in my years of teaching, and I have to say Liv was a pretty good student in class......Am I being biased?
Liv usually comes home from school each day telling me who got to do the weather, who got to do the bluebird, etc. She feels super special when she is picked to do something. And today was SUPER SPECIAL. She was picked to do the weather/bluebird song. What a great day to be picked.....!
Typical Weekend.
Our past few weekends, we have gotten into a routine. Now that summer is over, our shore trips are over. Charlotte is down to the one nap so we are back to the routine we had with Liv until she dropped the nap. We usually head out in the morning around 9. Either go for a walk, go down town, window shop, etc. Then we come home around lunchtime for Charlotte's nap. During the nap, Liv and Ryan usually do something creative. I clean or run out and food shop (or get some alone time). When Charlotte wakes up, we go back out for dinner and another outting.
The routine is the same both days. But on Sundays I run to yoga in the morning and Ry has the girls. Then when I get home, and during Charlotte's nap, we put music on and clean/be creative/bake something/watch the Eagles.
I usually feel bummed when the summer is over, but I am really enjoying our cozy weekends. Our family time to just enjoy each other. Giggle. Be goofy. Have dance parties. Enjoy some take out. As long as we have each other....anything goes.
Mom moment.
You know you are a mom when you take your sports bra off and a half eaten oreo falls out on the floor. (Charlotte insisting I hold her during a cookie snack. I was wondering where that cookie went...thought the dog ate it.)
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