

Let's just say tonight was a GOOD night. A night I have needed..... For our 12 year anniversary, Ry got me a 10 class card to my old stomping grounds. YOGA class. This time is worth more than a million bucks.....worth more than an entire new wardrobe.....
As I pulled out of the driveway, the girls stood at the front door with smiles and huge waves. A perspective I am not used to seeing. But it is good for me to get away for a bit. Miss them. Let them miss me.....
The class was AMAZING! Shavasana was pure bliss. Yoga has been such a big part of my life for the past decade. I am so glad to be back.
I have the most amazing husband in the world. He knows exactly what I need. And he is willing to do night routine and bedtime without me. He must REALLy love me ;)

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