I could get used to this....
This morning, we did our normal routine. From 7-8 I shower, get the girls dressed, etc. Then we come down and have breakfast (usually from 8-8:30). Charlotte usually takes her morning nap around 9-9:30ish. So this morning, we left the house at 8:50 to walk Liv to school. We got back at 9:10 and Charlotte went down for her nap immediately.
The house is quiet.....My mind is racing on what I can do that I usually can't do while holding a one year old and answering the 10 thousands request of a three year old....
I decided to tackle the attic for an hour. Now I am on the couch taking a breather while waiting for lo to wake. We will be walking to pick Liv up in an hour.....
Treehouse Exhibit....
I can't even talk about it...
I had one of the scariest moments of my life today....I can't even talk about it because it makes me feel sick to the stomach.. I am not going to go into detail. The outcome was good.
But.......Liv decided to use her imagination and use the blind cord as a necklace. She was in the bay window (I know a big nono) . She fell. I turned and saw her hanging. I ran and lifted her up and tried to frantically untangle the cord from around her neck. It felt like forever. But I did. She was ok. We both hugged and cried.
I can't even think about it. I am so so so so so thankful I was in the room when it happened.
I just didn't realize that 4 year olds are the ones you have to really look out for with this. Their imagination has peaked. It looks like a tarzan rope, necklace, etc.
I am speechless. But going to learn from this and move forward.
Home ALone!!!
Well, sort of.....
My girlfriend Denise and I set up a plan for the fall....Lucy and Liv are taking turns having "big girl" playdates where the mommy drops them off at the other's house. We alternate weeks and time it perfectly so the babies are sleeping. That way one of us has a playdate for the older one. The other one is HOME ALONE! (well the baby is in the crib, but the house is freakishly quiet).
Today is my day to be HOME ALONE! It took me about 20 minutes to even focus and create an action plan of what I wanted to do during this precious time. I did some chores like cleaned the freezer our, planted mums, posted ebay sales....But now I am on the couch watching dvr'ed Oprah shows....
Everyone wins! Love it!
Art Project.
Star Pops.
One, two, three!
Today, while at Grandmom's house, Charlotte decided to take THREE steps! She did it about 4 times in a row. The third step ended in a dive toward the floor. I think she did it not realizing it because we kept our hands about an inch away from her body (as if to be supporting her).
Needless to say, she is moving forward (no pun intended). I need to get this on video....
What a trooper?!
Today I took Liv to get the flu shot. Since Lo can't get it (it contains egg), I figured it is really important so LIv doesn't bring germs home from school.
I woke up with a nervous feeling in my stomach. Liv asks me every morning what we are doing. And today she did... I didn't know if I should tell her or not. So I didn't....until about 30 minutes before we left. I just said we are going to the doctors. I didn't mention the needle.
The girls were good in the waiting room. They called us back.....everything was pretty smooth. Then Liv asked me if her needle would hurt. I was surprised because I didn't think she knew she was getting one. I told her it is a little needle and will just feel like a tiny pinch. Surprisingly, she didn't argue and just said "Okay". ( I was a bit speechless and proud at the same time.)
Dr. Maddie came in. Small talked a bit. Made liv laugh a bit. Gave her the shot. Liv was quiet for a second. I gave her three stickers.....and she smiled. Phew!
yet another hiccup.
This morning Charlotte had a huge breakfast. She eats more than I do for some meals. She had a whole waffle, an entire container of coconut milk yogurt, a few handfuls of watermelon, rice milk, and 5 whole foods crackers. Once she was done, she decided to wonder out into the living room where liv was watching cartoons and eating breakfast. Liv ran upstairs to see daddy and I ran in the kitchen to get myself some lemon water.......Charlotte (unsupervised) made her way to Liv's yogurt and helped herself to a spoonful (and poured the container on the table). I walked into her with the spoon in her mouth and her hands covered in yogurt......
I freaked (as usual). Ran upstairs and gave her atarax (benedryl without the sedative properties). Ry calmed me down but I held her and wouldn't take my eyes off of her. Within 5 minutes, one side of her face was puffy, blotchy, had hives. Her eye was red, about the quarter of it's size. She couldn't help but rub her face and scratch it.
Then, Ry reminded me I should probably wash her hands really well because she is repeatedly rubbing yogurt on her face. So I did.
The good news is Lo was...Lo. She was crawling and dancing and giggling. Just one side of her face was a bit unrecognizable. I think the topical reaction to rubbing yogurt on her face did her in . The rest of her body seemed pretty normal (THANK GOD).
I spent about an hour watching her like a hawk. Then I let her take her morning nap to let her body rest.
PHEW! I am just so thankful that she didn't throw up or have trouble breathing. This girl is a trooper!
Let's just say tonight was a GOOD night. A night I have needed..... For our 12 year anniversary, Ry got me a 10 class card to my old stomping grounds. YOGA class. This time is worth more than a million bucks.....worth more than an entire new wardrobe.....
As I pulled out of the driveway, the girls stood at the front door with smiles and huge waves. A perspective I am not used to seeing. But it is good for me to get away for a bit. Miss them. Let them miss me.....
The class was AMAZING! Shavasana was pure bliss. Yoga has been such a big part of my life for the past decade. I am so glad to be back.
I have the most amazing husband in the world. He knows exactly what I need. And he is willing to do night routine and bedtime without me. He must REALLy love me ;)
knock, knock....overheard.
Hey mommy, knock knock.
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't pee on your arm?
First day of school.
Portrait Time

Making a mama proud, planting a garden....

Circle time...

Meeting Mrs. T for the first time....

Today Liv woke up and felt like it was "Her" day. She knew it was special. She picked out two outfits on her own and decided on a dress Gpop bought her. We dropped Lo off at my friends house so Liv could have mommy and daddy to herself.
Meeting Mrs. T for the first time....
Today Liv woke up and felt like it was "Her" day. She knew it was special. She picked out two outfits on her own and decided on a dress Gpop bought her. We dropped Lo off at my friends house so Liv could have mommy and daddy to herself.
Liv had no hesitation. We walked up the 2 flight of stairs to her room. Mrs. T was waiting at the door. Liv hung up her tote and walked right in. For about 10 minutes she decided to play by herself. Ry stood with her while she played with this super fun farm/garden center. After she warmed up, she wasn't looking back. Ry and I stood back and watched her. She explored the entire room. Had one on one time with all three teachers.... Liv couldn't wait for circle time. As soon as Mrs. T rang the bell, Liv was the FIRST in her circle time chair. The teacher read a story and Liv silently participated. She wasn't the student with her hand eagerly flailing in the air. She was the one with her hand 1/4 of the way up and equal in height to her shoulder. She would participate with a whispered response. But she LOVED it.
Liv didn't want to leave and can't wait to go back. On Friday, the mommy's will have coffee in the cafe while the students go for an hour by themselves. Next week will be normal time, 9-11:30 M and F.
Liv's "First Homework assignment" is to bring something in for show and tell that is red....She already decided on her circle red calculator.
School Days, Schools Days.
Tomorrow is Liv's first day!!! We are so excited. Ry and I will be going with her so I am not even nervous. Last week I went to Parent Orientation and I give her teacher and A plus. I fell in love with the classroom....from a former teacher's perspective and a preschool parent's perspective. I had moments where I felt my eyes get watery when I realized my little baby is going to SCHOOL> I will keep you posted...
Charlotte is still climbing the perimeter of every wall. Ry calls her spiderman. And she loves climbing up the stairs now too. Looks like I will be spending the week sitting on the staircase. I spent three months of my life on the stairs because of Liv's obsession. If you can't find me.....you know where I will be.
Three stooges. (well, 4 stooges)

This weekend we had a great time down the shore with Nichole and Kevin. The girls had so much fun together. We had alot of fun just enjoying some family fun. Ordered yummy take out. Did our rounds of coffee shops. Went to the beach after hours. A little shopping. Fun boat ride. Trip to the playground. The girls watched a movie on the pulled out sofa bed..... Gt around by feet, bike, or electric car.
One last weekend of island living before we plant those mums and start thinking about halloween costumes.
It was a big slumber party and we made lots of memories...
Good Morning!
I decided in about 15 years I am going to walk in to Charlotte's room one morning at 5:15 am. Then I am going to climb on her and scream 2 inches from her face for 2 hours.....then I can say, now you know how it feels ;)
This morning was a joy......Now she is napping and will hopefully wake up and we can put it behind us.
Dr. Suess
THanks to Liv's obsession with the Cat in the Hat movie (which has alot of adult humor hidden in there). She is running around all day saying, "He thinks where he Pees."
So inappropriate, and I am giggling on the inside. But trying to ignore it and hope it passes before school on Monday....;)
A whole new game.
Since the day Lo was born, she was my little laid back, woodstock child. She would be content (unless her skin was bothering her). I could just put her down and she would play with the toys you put around her.
She hasn't been a bad teether. If she is getting a tooth, she may only take 2 one hour naps instead of her typical 2 1.5 hour naps.
Within the past few days, I feel like we have a different child. She can't sit still. She is still walking the perimeter of everything, but she has it mastered. She can go from one room to another to another. Walk around tables, furniture, etc. Anything to get her where she wants to go. She has a game face on....wants to get into everything.
She has been full of belly laughs. Playing with and adoring her big sis. Chugging an entire sippy cup of rice milk like it is a 40. All I can say is, that girl has rhythm too. She gets down.
Looks like my Woodstock child has turn into a frat brother.. ;)
The best day with you, today.
Sending Liv to preschool in less than a week has made me do alot of reflecting.....
Dear Liv,
For the past 4 years, you have always been in the comfort of our house and my arms. I have always been within a cry away. Next week you will be starting preschool. As your world gets bigger, you will go out and learn the world on your own. But you will never be alone. No distance is too far for me to hear you.
Your world may get bigger and bigger, but I will always be your number one fan. And my arms are always open. Through the years, lots will change. New teachers, new friends, new strengths, new fears. But my love for you will always be constant. You are my world.
Every person you meet is lucky. Every friend you make is blessed.
I love you more than all of the hugs in the world....no words can say.
Love you, Mommy (three hand squeezes) xoxo
Listening to this song triggers a vivid slideshow in my head. I thought I would share it with you.
This is a song from Liv's favorite CD (Fearless). Whenever I see her singing this song in the backseat of the car, it makes me cry. I know I will look back and all of these childhood years will be so precious. The last verse about "a video when I was three, painting in the kitchen". I do that ALL of the time with her. Hits home...
The song also is so sweet because I watched Taylor grow up next door down the shore. So sweet for her to look back and dedicate this to her mom. I can only imagine what her mom thought when she presented this song to her.
Liv's Humor.
So I ask LIv,
"Why did the Chicken cross the road?"
She thinks for about 15 seconds and then says, "To get to the other side."
She has never heard that joke before but now I know why that joke....is a joke. It is so literal.
Best Husband.
I officially have the best Husband ever..... He surprised me with a 10 class card for yoga. At last, I can reunite with my dear yoga instructor, Nicole. She has been my teacher on and off for 5 years. Can't wait!
12 years.
Twelve years ago, we met. Two young college kids, at a party. From the moment, we met I knew you were meant for me. But, I thought it was too good to be true. Like a dream.
My dream came true. We fell in love. We got married. Have two beautiful, healthy girls. I wouldn't change a thing. My life is more than I ever imagined. My love for you is eternal. You are my everything.
You are the most amazing person. Inside and out.
You give us the world. You are our world.
You are my rock. I love you!
Letter from Preschool.
Acorn Family.
Patent, please.
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