
Binky Fairy.

I know some of you may feel that 3.5 is a bit old to be breaking the binky habit (a part of me does too), but up until now it has saved my sanity many many nights.  The binky was only used at night and allowed Liv's nightly tuck-in to be 20 seconds flat.  Every once in awhile, I have mentioned the binky fairy coming and how much fun it will be because she will take the binkies to the hospital to all of the crying babies and give Liv something else to snuggle.  She has been excited for the binky fairy because she is the tooth fairy's sister (and her cousin just was paid a visit from her).  
We were at the gap the other day and she eyed up this tiny little puppy stuffed animal.  The older she gets, the more aware she is that you go to stores to buy stuff.  So she usually finds something she likes, asks for it, and I say, "Maybe tomorrow.  If you are still thinking of it, we can come back."  She has never taken me up on this and is over the toy within 5 seconds of leaving the store.  
So Liv woke up the next morning, asking if we can go back to the store for the doggy.  Super quick, I came up with an idea.  I put 5 dollars in one of Ryan's old birthday cards and wrote OlIVIA on the cover.  I then made a huge fuss and read the card to Liv.  I made up my own words, of course.  "Dear Olivia,  Here is $5 to go and buy that little puppy you were eyeing up...  Please put your binky in this envelope and drop it in your mailbox.  I will be back later to pick it up.  There is this poor little baby at the hospital who won't stop crying for  a binky."

She fell for it.  She spent about 15 minutes decorating the card.  Put her binky in it.  Put it in the mailbox. And we were off to the store.  

That night was pretty uneventful.  Went to bed.  Just asked about her binky once, but then remembered where it went and was fine with it.  

I woke up about 13 hours later and could have cried.  I was so proud of her.  I switched on my video moniter to check on her.......and she had a BINKy in her mouth!!!!!!!!  She must have found it in her bed.  ARGHHHH

We had to send that binky to the hospital too...........

But that night. It worked.  She slept with her doggy (whom she named Georgia- no clue why) and woke up well rested....

We will see if this lasts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Binky Fairy is so creative, I love it—especially about how she dropped in to visit Olivia with 5 bucks for her Georgia.