The most heart filling and heart breaking moments I have had are when I watch her with other children. I see her wanting to be independent. I watch her branch away from me and want to be with peers. My first reaction is to want to hold her tight. Not let her go. Tell her to stay close. Be careful of the ladder. Don't run too fast.
But, I quickly realize, that I have to let her go. I want her to meet others. Have the confidence to approach kids. Tell them her name (and how old she is). Ask them their name. Share her snack.
It is so hard to hold back.....Butt in. Say, "Hey, kid, this is Olivia. Can she play with you?" I have to admit, I have done that before. Now I have to fight really hard to hold back. Let her do it by herself.
What I notice the most, is the look on her face as she watches other kids or approaches them. I can't explain the expression. And I hope to never forget it. She has always been such an observer. One to sit back and take everything in. As she grows, she becomes more confident. More willing to take risks. Go out of her comfort zone.
Now that Liv has dropped her nap, she has an 8 pm bedtime and 8ish waking time. For the past week, she has come out of her room at around 8:30ish completely dressed for the day. I am usually downstairs already showered and feeing Lo breakfast.
Has she suddenly become a teenager overnight? I know she hasn't but I feel like she is getting big WAY too fast. I still savour those moments of snuggle time. Or when she comes up to me to reassure me that she loves me (who is the parent and who is the child?)
I love that girl to death.
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