
Little Scotty's First Birthday Party.

The kids had a blast.  Noah's Ark Workshop came and the girls stuffed their own animals and designed shirts for them.  It was a hit!
Yummy food, lots of babies, the family is growing!  
(sorry for the lack of photos; I was preoccupied and left my camera in my bag the whole time)

Props to Pappa.

On our drive to Jersey on Sunday, we passed three billboards and saw one bus with Ryan's work on them.  Kind of strange to be driving on 76 and say, "Hey, Liv, you see that billboard?  I designed it."  or "Look at the back of that bus.  Doesn't it look familiar?  I am sure you were on my lap while I worked on it."

All of daddy's hard work.  But he has alot to show for it.  We are super duper proud of him.

Side note-  Liv has this new obsession in calling Ry, Pappa. She may get it from watching Little Bear on Noggin.


Pool Party.

In true Liv style, she took some time to warm up to the pool idea.  It didn't take long though for her to have some fun with her cousins.  She enjoyed jumping off of the side into Aunt Nichole's arms.  I was pretty darn proud of her!

And Charlotte, didn't shy away from the big pool at all.  She lit up as soon as she got in the water.  I also brought a baby pool to set poolside so she could sit in it and play by herself.

All in all, a great time.



Liv was in the bathroom with Ryan.  She stepped on the scale and Ry told her it said 30.  She ran into my room screaming, "Mommy, my feet are thirty!!!!"


Fridge Worthy.



I love you, Sweetie Bug.

Every night when I tuck Liv in, I carry her to her bed.  Right before I put her in, she gives me a kiss on the lips and hugs me.  While hugging me, she pats me on the back and says, "Awwww, I love you, sweetie."  (I hid the camera in my shirt because i wanted to really focus on the sound of her voice.  I want to remember her sweet little whisper forever.)

Pop goes the Weasel.

Fun times with daddy.

Dance Portraits.

Okay, so this year the kids went into the studio by themselves for pictures while the parents stayed outside.  I know this seems pretty standard, but I was a little worried because Liv tends to get pretty shy and takes awhile to warm up.  Not in this picture.....

It literally brought tears to my eyes because she has come such a long way.


New discovery........ears.

How strange is it to discover you have these two protruding discs attached to the side of your head?  I mean, I know this isn't the first time Lo has felt her ears.  But for some strange reason tonight while I nursed her to bed, she repeatedly yanked on her ears as if she wanted to take it off and see it for herself.


Okay, so I haven't caught it on film yet, but Liv loves the rope swing at grandmom and grandpop's house.  They put it up in the spring and at first, I think Liv was a little hesitant (as she is with most things).  But now, you can't get her off the darn thing.  She doesn't even want to share it with her cousins (although, she knows that is only fair, so she takes turns).  She holds on super tight and begs to be pushed higher and higher.  She would stay on it for hours if she could (but then she may need some gloves because of her tight grip).


Coconut milk.

After drilling a hole in the coconut, we all shared the milk.   Then Liv and Ry sat on the back porch hammering the coconut into pieces to eat the meat.  Liv LOVED it.

Memorial Day Weekend.

What a great weekend.  I took the girls down on Thursday and Ry took the train down on Friday.  The weather was beautiful.  The girls slept super well and Lo took all of her naps on schedule.  She will sleep no matter where you put her.  My mom's crib, her pack and play, etc.

Just like the doctor said.....the salt air and ocean water majorly relieved Charlotte's skin.  Her skin was super soft by the second day.  

Unfortunately, I had a mother of the year moment and didn't reapply Lo's sunscreen.  Her cheeks got rosy and sunburnt.  Good thing is that within 24 hours, the redness faded.  She didn't seem bothered though.

We BBQ'ed every night and played Washers.  Had some good quality family time.  Went for long walks each day.  Had a Full Family Carwash (haha, lined our cars up and dad pressure washed them).  Got a Pedi.  The girls took turns getting alone time with Meem and Jeep (therefore, alone time with us too).

Overall, it was a blast.  And we just have to obey the doctor's orders and get Lo down there alot this summer ;)

Liv's favorite place ever...... the dock.  Her lifejacket might as well be her only wardrobe in SH. 
I think I have a picture identical to this of Liv the first time she went on a boat ride.  The funny thing is, they both had the same reaction to the boat.  It puts them in a trance.
Liv stomping on a sand castle.  There are many other photos in this series.  They are all goofy faces and poses that show her excitement of the beach.  As soon as she stepped her foot on the sand, she turned into this wild, giggly worm.
This year, Liv was cool and calm on the boat.
Lo loved the ocean.  It was great for her skin too.  As soon as I put her feet in the water, her dry skin had some relief.

Liv and mommy jumping the waves.
Lo had to get in on the sand castle stomping, too.
The second we put Lo on the sand, handfuls went from her hand to her mouth.  

Hours on end, I could go out on the pier and see this.  Daddy and Liv, rock skipping.
Eating sand, caught on tape.
Wild Beach Worm, in action.
Liv now rides her big girl bike to and from Meme and G-Pop' s house (which is 6 houses down).


Lo has started imitating us and clapping her hands when she is excited.

Now and Later.

Today Ry went up to Lo's crib after her nap to get her out.  As soon as he walked in she reached out for him.  While reaching out she opened her clenched fist (which stayed clenched her whole naptime).  In her fist was a Cheerio from lunch.  She looked at it and popped it right in her mouth.

This isn't the first time I have caught her hiding snacks for later.  Sometimes they are in her chin, on her shirt, resting at the top of her diaper from sliding down her neck and under her onesie.

Smart girl~


When did this happen?

The most heart filling and heart breaking moments I have had are when I watch her with other children.  I see her wanting to be independent.  I watch her branch away from me and want to be with peers.  My first reaction is to want to hold her tight.  Not let her go.  Tell her to stay close.  Be careful of the ladder.  Don't run too fast.  

But, I quickly realize, that I have to let her go.  I want her to meet others.  Have the confidence to approach kids.  Tell them her name  (and how old she is).  Ask them their name.  Share her snack.  

It is so hard to hold back.....Butt in.  Say, "Hey, kid, this is Olivia. Can she play with you?"  I have to admit, I have done that before.  Now I have to fight really hard to hold back.  Let her do it by herself.  

What I notice the most, is the look on her face as she watches other kids or approaches them.  I can't explain the expression.  And I hope to never forget it.  She has always been such an observer.  One to sit back and take everything in.  As she grows, she becomes more confident.  More willing to take risks.  Go out of her comfort zone.


Now that Liv has dropped her nap, she has an 8 pm bedtime and 8ish waking time.  For the past week, she has come out of her room at around 8:30ish completely dressed for the day.  I am usually downstairs already showered and feeing Lo breakfast. 

Has she suddenly become a teenager overnight?  I know she hasn't but I feel like she is getting big WAY too fast.  I still savour those moments of snuggle time.  Or when she comes up to me to reassure me that she loves me (who is the parent and who is the child?)

I love that girl to death.  


We got another....

Her other top tooth has cleared through the gums.  We are at 4 teeth now at 9.5 months.


Ella's Birthday Party.

After the Dogwood, we headed to Reading to celebrate Ella's first birthday.  There were so many kids and babies.  They had alot of fun on the trampoline, the swingset, riding the Big Wheels, and playing with eons of toys.  
After leaving there, Liv discovered the American Dolls and Lo discovered the Push buggy car.  Looks like I know what are on the girls newest "have to have" list.

Dogwood Fair.

The kids had a blast today at the Dogwood Parade.  Liv seemed to fight off some of her fears and went on a few rides (Am I a dorky mom, since I got teary eyed because I watched her conquer her fears and have a blast?)
And Charlotte had a lot of firsts..... first snow cone, first ride, and first time playing the duck game (and she won a prize).


Nude beach.

Doctor Day.

Today we went to the dentist and Liv breezed through her 2nd appointment in 24 hours.  We got there before the office opened and I drove around with Lo while Ry brought Liv in.  They were in and out in 15 minutes.  As soon as I saw her turn the corner and run towards the car, I couldn't stop smiling.  I was so proud of her.  I didn't even go into it thinking she wouldn't do it.  But to see her run full force with yet another goody bag in her left hand and a Lollipop in her right (they are Dr. John's herbal cavity fighting ones) was priceless.  She had the biggest smile on her face and couldn't wait to show me "how clean Dentist Mckee got that one last tooth he forgot to get yesterday." ;)

Today we also had Lo's 9 month appointment.  Dr. Maddie was pleased to see how happy and healthy Lo is growing.  She gained 3 pounds since her last visit.  She weighed 16 pounds and in the 10%ile (which is what she was at last time).  Dr. Maddie had no concerns with that and reminded us that we have small kids.  Lo's height went from the 10th to 25th percentile.  She grew three inches.  Her head is still in the 75th percentile.
All in all, a great visit.  She had one shot and we were on our way.

The girls were great today!  


Pearly Whites.

Liv went to the dentist today without skipping a beat.  As soon as we got there she picked out her Snow White toothbrush, got her name tag, put on her princess tiara, Tinkerbell sunglasses, and picked out her "chocolate" flavored toothpaste.  
She opened her mouth super wide and let the hygenist clean away.  Mr. Thirsty (the sucky thing) and Tickle robot(toothbrush) didn't scare her a bit.

We thought we were in the clear, but Dentist Mckee decided it was best for us to run in for a quick "fill in" on one molar to prevent it from getting bigger.  He told us to run in tomorrow morning before the office opens and he can do it (he rocks!)  He said it will be just like last time (only last time was 7 teeth).  Super quick, no Novacaine.  No sweat (for now).  

Liv walked out with a Goody Bag  full of treats.  

Who wouldn't like the dentist when you are pampered like a Princess?


7:40 am.

Starting the day off on the right foot..... Everyone is still sound asleep......


Happy Mother's Day Eve.

Today, both of the girls decided to grace me with a day to remember.  

For the past week, I have noticed Lo's upper gum being super puffy.  She has been acting pretty pleasant and sticking to her usual sleeping habits so I though we had a ways to go.  The only difference is she says "Maaaamaaaaa" alot.  Which is her coping technique to deal with the pain (funny ,bc that was mine too....during both labors)  
Today, I tapped her upper gum with a silver spoon and, low and behold, I heard a "Click".  The other top gum isn't too far behind.  

Now, Liv has been practicing spelling her name and writing her letters of the alphabet with Ryan in his studio.  He usually lets her play with a stack of stencils.........  Yesterday she showed me that she has mastered the letter "M".  Since she has already mastered the letter "O" from writing her name,  she wrote "MOM" today.  

What a great day.


Army crawl.

Lo's new thing..... the army crawl.  But she does it backwards.  She pushes herself back and in circles to reach anything within about a 6 foot radius.


5 months ago.

Five months ago, we were given the answer to Charlotte's discomfort.  After months of just dealing with it and trying everything that everyone told me, I took the initiative and scheduled a pediatric allergist appointment.  I was nervous, but had an intuition that her body was trying to tell me something.  After discovering her multiple allergies, I was relieved to have an answer, but overwhelmed with what the allergies entailed.  
As much as I wanted to continue nursing her, I had moments of discouragement.  I thought I was causing her pain.  The mother's guilt was strong.  But since I nursed Liv until toddlerhood, it was all I knew.  The thought of entering a new world (of formula) was just another new territory that seemed overwhelming to me.  
I also felt that Charlotte was going to have so many restrictions when she gets older, that I didn't want to take he "mommy's milk" away from her (again, mother's guilt).  Or is it that I didn't want to take that time away from me? 
It took quite some time for me to research, explore, and sample all of the new foods that were dairy/egg/nut/peanut/shellfish free.  I also didn't want to have too  much soy since her test showed a slight positive to that.  I would go to Whole foods and read all of the labels.  It was like a scavenger hunt.  At times, I would cry; other times, I would be excited about a new discovery.  I became best buds with my rice cooker.  I knew that whatever I ate, went to her.  And, I also knew that i needed to learn the ropes now before i started introducing her to foods.

Five months later, I am here to say that even though i have struggled, at times.  I am thankful.  I have always had a strong pull towards nutrition.  A strong pull towards eating from the earth.  Charlotte's allergies have steared me in the direction that I have always wanted to be in.  
Since nutrition was such a hobby (my mom swore i should have been a nutritionist), I had the option to wave in and out of it.  Now, I have a purpose and need to be focused on my body (and the family's).  
Charlotte has given me this gift.  At first, I felt like a victim.  But now, I, oddly, feel blessed.   Thank you, Bean.  Because of you, I am taking the path in life I have always wanted to take.  

Love you!


I was having a mushy moment while hanging with Liv.  

I said, "Liv, when I look at you, I still see that little tiny baby I brought home from the hospital.  I think I always will."  

Liv had  a puzzled look on her face.  She then looked in the mirror.  Opened her eyes as wide as she could using her thumb and index finger.  She paused for a moment.  Then she turned to me and said, "But, mommy.........I don't see it.  I don't see me as a baby when I came home from the hospital."

Love her.

Loopy Liv.

This girl went from camera shy, to a true ham.  Not sure how long this will last....



The rain didn't stop us this weekend from some r&r at the shore.  I love being on our small little peaceful island of SH no matter what the weather is.  

So nostalgic.  Reminds me of all of those barefoot summers.  Walking everywhere.  Riding my bike to pick up fresh produce for my mom for dinner.  Picking and painting shells.  Spending hours on the dock.  After dinner boat rides to jump the waves.  Fishing for flounder.  Watching the sunset.  

Being on a small island, just simplifies things.  Being surrounded by water is so tranquil. I used to set a goal of being barefoot from June to September- all of the time. I think we would leave the island three times in three months.  Something about that place just screams my childhood.

Anyways, Ry and I had a great impromptu dinner date on Saturday at Jay's on Third (BYOB) with his Blue Moons and my bottle of Shiraz.  Just hanging around.  Taking it all in.  The stillness.  Before the big storm (memorial day weekend, when all the shoebees come down- Am I officially a shoebee now or will I always be a seasonal local?)

Just an appetizer for the season.


9 months.

You have been in our lives for 9 months.  Actually, double that and make it 18 months since conception.  You have found a place in my heart (and soul) that I never knew existed.  I now know that there is a place in my heart that has no limits.  I can love you every day and kiss you every minute of every day, but there still is room for more love and more kisses.  
It all makes sense now.  After having your sister, I discovered a different kind of love that never existed before.  To look in her eyes and see me.  I didn't think it was possible to be able to look into someone else's eyes and see me too.   But, I do.  
The two of you are so different, but yet so similar.  Is it at all possible that I have known you my whole life?   And if I haven't, how come I don't remember my life without you?
You have given me such a gift.  You have taught me so much.  I see such depth when I look into your eyes.  I see a soul that is wiser beyond a year.  Thank you for giving me such a purpose in life.  I love you.

And I will always be the rock for you to cling to in a storm.

I love you, Bean.