What a great weekend. I took the girls down on Thursday and Ry took the train down on Friday. The weather was beautiful. The girls slept super well and Lo took all of her naps on schedule. She will sleep no matter where you put her. My mom's crib, her pack and play, etc.
Just like the doctor said.....the salt air and ocean water majorly relieved Charlotte's skin. Her skin was super soft by the second day.
Unfortunately, I had a mother of the year moment and didn't reapply Lo's sunscreen. Her cheeks got rosy and sunburnt. Good thing is that within 24 hours, the redness faded. She didn't seem bothered though.
We BBQ'ed every night and played Washers. Had some good quality family time. Went for long walks each day. Had a Full Family Carwash (haha, lined our cars up and dad pressure washed them). Got a Pedi. The girls took turns getting alone time with Meem and Jeep (therefore, alone time with us too).
Overall, it was a blast. And we just have to obey the doctor's orders and get Lo down there alot this summer ;)
Liv's favorite place ever...... the dock. Her lifejacket might as well be her only wardrobe in SH.

I think I have a picture identical to this of Liv the first time she went on a boat ride. The funny thing is, they both had the same reaction to the boat. It puts them in a trance.

Liv stomping on a sand castle. There are many other photos in this series. They are all goofy faces and poses that show her excitement of the beach. As soon as she stepped her foot on the sand, she turned into this wild, giggly worm.

This year, Liv was cool and calm on the boat.

Lo loved the ocean. It was great for her skin too. As soon as I put her feet in the water, her dry skin had some relief.

Liv and mommy jumping the waves.

Lo had to get in on the sand castle stomping, too.

The second we put Lo on the sand, handfuls went from her hand to her mouth.

Hours on end, I could go out on the pier and see this. Daddy and Liv, rock skipping.

Eating sand, caught on tape.
Wild Beach Worm, in action.
Liv now rides her big girl bike to and from Meme and G-Pop' s house (which is 6 houses down).