Lately, when I go out with the girls, I have noticed how other women interact with me. Lots of moms like me react the same way I react to them. We usually look at each other, make eye contact, and nonverbally agree. Agree that these kids keep us on our toes. A 7 day a week, 24 hour job that throws so many curve balls and unpredictable events. It feels good to know that you aren't in it alone.
I have been reflecting alot lately on how older women react to me. Women that I can tell have been there......right where I am at that moment. For example, walking out of the grocery store pushing a cart full of groceries, holding an 8 month old on my right him, with a binky handle hanging out of my mouth, holding a receipt and keys in my hand, and my 3 year old holding onto my pant leg as we cross the street. Only if I were an octopus would I have enough hands to handle what being a mom entails.
These women look at me with such understanding. At the same time, I see a spark in their eyes where they may wish to be back in my shoes ( or flip flops with unpolished toenails). They let me cross in front of their car while crossing the street or let me get rung up before them at the store because they know that a baby is like a walking time bomb ready to explode. Or they glance at me while sitting on the floor in the corner of a toy store nursing my baby while the toddler is busy getting a free chance to play with all new toys. These women, also, open the door for me so I don't have to perform a gymnast move just to get my body and the stroller through the door with all of our limbs attached.
I may be a little analyitical but I also look at these women with a strong connection. I know I will be that women in about 20 years. As difficult as it may be to meet the needs of a baby and a toddler, I wouldn't trade it for all of the money in the world. Or all of the silence in the world. (although a single MOMENT of silence is well needed). As my 30th birthday approaches ( 4 days), I have accomplished more than I ever imagined; yet being right here at home with my toddler laying on my left thigh and my infant trying to crawl over my right shoulder is the only place I want to be.
But that MOMENT of silence may be the next place I want to be....... but for just a moment. I will never wish this chaotic time away. I wish I could keep my two little girls by my side on this couch forever (the fact that all three of us are sitting still is a miracle, but we are all on the same couch cushion). I know as they get older they will want to get off of it for a long as they promise to come back.
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