Well, let's just say Liv surprised us all. On Thursday, when Liv and I went to her dress rehearsal, she totally lost her cool and freaked out on stage. I tried to bribe her with anything I could imagine, but she had the biggest face of fear I have ever seen. The group ended up practicing without her but halfway through the song, I ran her up and put her in place. She didn't like it, but finished the dance with her friends so she could get a lollipop from Miss G.
So when Saturday came, I really was convinced that when the curtains opened,there would be an empty spot right where Liv was to stand. I had to drop her off in a dressing room for the first part of the show before she performed. She seemed okay but told me that she didn't want to go on the stage. (Earlier that day we went to Mapes and got her a few bribe toys that she could play with after the show.) Ry's family and my family all came but I already prepared them that we may not be seeing her.
Well, the time came and it was her turn. I was trying to count how many feet we saw under the curtains and there were only 5 pairs and not 6. I was sure she chickened out. The curtains opened and.........she was THERE.
The look of shock on her face when she saw the hundreds of people in the crowd was priceless. She made up her own little routine and just nervously spun her arms around. Halfway through the song, she saw us all cheering for her and yelled "daddy" and started to cry. But she didn't stop her dance! What an incredible feeling........Ry and I were so proud of her because we know how much courage it took for her to do it. As we looked up and down our row of family, there wasn't a dry eye. We all were so proud of her!
The hardest part was after her performance she had to go back to the dressing room until intermission. Ry and I couldn't wait to give her a huge hug and kiss. When it was time, Ry ran back and got her. She came back to our seats and got presents and hugs from everyone. The best feeling was to see how proud she was of herself. What a beautiful thing....
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