Letter to Liv
It is hard to believe that you are already one month shy of turning one. I could never thank you enough for coming into my life and teaching me what life is. I feel so blessed to have you. When I found out I was pregnant, I never realized that I was getting the best miracle in my life. I wouldn’t trade my life with you for anything.
Now that I have you, my purpose in life is to love you and teach you to love yourself. When I look into your eyes, I see me. I see me, but only more perfect than perfect. More innocent than innocence. Purity. Beauty.
Those eyes are the same eyes that for 9 months daddy and I wondered what color they would be. Those are the same eyes that locked with mine seconds after I birthed you. They are the same eyes that light up when you see me enter the room. They will be the same eyes I look at on your first day of kindergarden, high school, wedding day. The same eyes I will look at as you have your first look into your own daughter or son’s eyes.
I can not believe that my body made you. I do not understand what I did so right to have you in my life. Everyday I could give at least a hundred reasons why I love you more than the day before.
Everyday I wonder how I can love you more. Teach you more. Snuggle with you more. Play with you more
Within the past year I have watched you go from a helpless little creature to a curious crawling maniac. I wish I could freeze time and hold onto those intimate moments while I nurse you. You look into my eyes with such innocence and trust. I never want to forget the cozy nuzzle you give me when you are ready for a nap. Or the smile that appears on your face when you see me coming toward you.
I never want to forget your……
crooked smile
Space between your teeth
Expressive eyebrows
Love for waffles
çlove for clapping your binkys
Down dog crawl
Raspy morning voice
Inability to stay still for a diaper change
Love for bubbles
Walks in the woods
Bitter Lemon face
Love for daddy’s electronics
Double jointed toes
Hate for vitamins
I always want to take the time to live in the moment. Explore the world with you. Teach you good morals. Teach you to love. Teach you to Live.
Daddy and I love you with all of our heart and soul.
Liv, you give us a reason to Live. To love.
Love Always,
Mommy (your best girlfriend)
Letter to Liv
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