On Sunday we had Charlotte's birthday celebration. We decided to keep it small and more intimate. But when the day came, I forgot how big our family is growing....we had 12 kids (which was about one third of the party). The kids had an amazing time. Between the swingset and Liv's room and Charlotte's room and the sun room.......By the end of the night I couldn't see one single square inch of Liv's bedroom floor.
Charlotte was a trooper. After warming up to the "party" idea she would hop from one person's arms to another. She loved walking along all of the furniture and walls to mingle. She was quite the socialist.
When we sang happy birthday......Well that is a whole story in itself. I decided to use this Sparkler/Fancy Lotus flower candle that Grandmom gave Lo. She told me to use it on her real birthday because we were a bit skeptical of how safe this candle was (the directions said to stay 4 feet away from it). I took the risk....I figured it would either be a disaster or a hit..... Well, it was a little of both.
"Mother of the year" over here forgot about the "4 feet away rule" and poor Liv was so excited to help Lo blow out this fancy candle.... Until it was about 1 foot in front of her face and the flame was about a foot high in the sky. Liv lost it. I mean LOST it. I think I scarred her.
The candle was really fun after the flame calmed down and the flower opened. Each petal had a candle and it played the happy birthday song. Thank you, Grandmom!
Charlotte on the other hand wasn't phased by all of the chaos. After Ry helped her blow out her candle, she delicately and slowly took a few bites of her cupcake.
We got one of those fun "Pull Apart" cakes that is made up of all cupcakes (it was a hit). Meme made really good sausage and peppers. We had some tomato pie and chips, etc. It was pretty low maintenance. Less about the frill, but more about the Love. I could feel the love and support in the air.
Charlotte got lots of stylish new clothes, a Buggy Car, a Radio Flyer wagon, a turtle planetarium, a doll, a school house to go along with her doll house, money, and gift cards.
Charlie-Bear is one Lucky girl. Lots of fun new gifts. But most importantly, Lots of Love.