
Girly Date.

Liv and I took advantage of Charlotte's morning nap (at Meme's) and went on a "Girly Date".  We both needed the time together- just the two of us.  Liv has been an amazing big sister and so patient with having to share her mommy all of the time.  
We decided to go and get Mani-Pedis together.  We Jammed out to Liv's favorite Taylor Swift songs on the way there.  We sang on the top of our lungs and flung our hair around in the wind.   I kept saying, "Today is so special.  You get mommy all to yourself and I get Livi all to myself."

When we got there we picked out our nail colors.  She picked purple for her fingers and Flourescent/80's ish pink for her toes.  The manicurist even painted little flowers on her thumb nails.  

I loved looking over at her and seeing the look on her face.  She felt so special and like such a big girl.   We felt like Girlfriends.  And the funny thing was when we were there there were two other young girls with their mom's so Liv felt like she fit right in.  

She couldn't wait to come home and show everyone her fancy nails.  

We had such a great time together.  It really was special- for both of us.  

Change in schedule.

Charlotte's birthday announcement will be at 8AM on channel 10 (instead of 9 am). I will put the footage up soon incase you miss it.


I am thankful.

I am thankful for a child who dives towards her crib when it is nap time.   For the past few days, Charlotte has pointed and moaned until she gets her away.....If she only realized it was MY way, too.


Yet another step to our night routine.

So now when I tuck Liv in, we have added another step to our 25 step task analysis (a term we used in education to break down a single task into teeny tiny steps).  
When I carry her into her room, she hold Georgie, I hold my cup of water.  Once I set her in the bed, she takes her normal sip of water.  But then she makes me dip my hand in the water and put water down her stomach onto her legs, then her arms (she only wears her panties to bed in the summer).  This all started about 2 weeks ago when the temperature got really hot and she had trouble falling asleep because she was too warm.  I should have known better to offer to cool her down with some water.  Now I have to do it each and every night.  

I feel like I am baptizing her or something.

On the News.

Look out for Charlotte on the Channel 10 news this Saturday (August 1st) at 9am.  Happy first birthday wishes!

Picnic at the Park.

During the week, if the girls and I aren't at the shore, we usually meet up with some friends for a picnic in the park.  We usually leave in the morning so Charlotte can take her morning snooze, while I exercise, an fun a few errands.  Today we went to the post office, walked by Liv's preschool (and admired their vegetable garden) and produce stand (to get some goods that aren't on my weekly CSA list).  Then we went to the park to meet Nathan and Josh for lunch.  

We were out for 3 hours.  It was a bit hot but the park we chose has lots of shade.  It is our favorite one to go to on hot summer days.  You feel like you are in the woods because the entire sky is covered with trees. 


Pizza time.

Last night the four of us met Ry's parents at Peace of Pizza.  We had such a great time talking and catching up.  LIv was so good and stayed at the kiddie table the whole time.  If it weren't for Charlotte's orders to "hurry up mom, you aren't feeding me fast enough" I would have thought we were kidless.
We had a blast!

Make that three.

So my little darling likes to be punctual.  Just like she came on her exact due date and my contractions began the second my eyes opened last year on August 3rd.

She is working on three of her "1 year old molars".  The 4th may be on it's way too, she is just such a worm and won't open her mouth for 2 seconds so I can get a thorough check.  Her body must have said," Hurry up, you have 10 days before you turn 1!"

This poor little trooper has gotten 5 teeth in July.  

I can't believe my baby is turning one!!!!


Boat time.

When I was a little girl, during the summer, right after dinner or during (before my mom could clean up), my dad would usually ask us if we wanted to go for a boat ride.  We would get all excited.  Put on our life jackets and run to the dock....

Looks like that tradition has carried over to MY children.  

The girls absolutely love it.  Smile, giggle, and scream.....just like I did.  It is so great to live my childhood again through their eyes.  


The girls spent a great amount of time playing in the baby pool out back after the zoo.  Liv's attention span is getting much longer and she is able to really use her imagination and get lost.  She usually likes making different recipes  like soup or pancakes using water, playdoh, etc.

And Charlotte is just so excited to be able to play alongside her big sister.  She idolizes her.

The Cape May County Zoo.

Meme, Liv, Charlie, and I grabbed some food and had a picnic at the park right outside of the zoo.  Liv played.  We ate.  Seems to be our new tradition whenever we go there.
This trip to the zoo was quite different than our past visits.  She usually stays in the stroller and is hesitant to get near the animls.  This time she walked the whole time and anxiously held her map.  She was so excited to see each and every animal.  Alot of the animals were animals she sees on her tv shows so she felt confident.   

And the best part about the Cape May County Zoo is that it is still FREE (has been since I was Liv's age).

Do you want a bite?

Charlotte is so generous offering her soggy, slobber-filled rice cake to mommy.  And if you notice the clear snots coming out of her nose, it is the salt air.  Without a doubt, every time we are down the shore, it loosens her breathing way (which is not even congested at home, must be the teething).


Fly away.

Daddy is away for business until Thursday, so the girls and I are heading to the shore.  Uncle John will be there (working but still) and we will hang out with Meme/Gpop.


We got a molar.

Charlotte's pearly whites have been working overtime.  In the past four weeks, she has been pushing out three teeth.  I noticed her top right molar peeking out today.

Walk to the park.


Yet another Milestone.

Two weeks early, we turned Charlotte's carseat around.  She feels like such a big girl, just like her sister.

So Proud.

Well, it has been a whole week since the whole binky fairy business started...... no looking back.  Georgia has done a fantastic job at replacing the binks.



Background:  I was sitting on the couch with my one leg crossed over my other knee.  I was wearing cut off jeans, capri length.  Liv had a pair of scissors in her hand (yes, I know she is too young to be playing with sharp, big people scissors).

Liv starting brushing my leg with the open scissors, as if to cut my prickly, "three days ago" shaved legs.

"Mommy, we have to cut this.  Because you are not a boy."

Shot to the ego.

Loves the birds.

I have a floating mobile over the glider in Charlotte's room.  When I nurse her she stares up at it.  Sometimes I will tap a bird, to make them all dance around.  Now she likes to play with it too.  It is a new game for her.  Something to point to and "OOOHH" and "AHHHH" at.  
It is so fun to see her form these little rituals.  When I put her down for her naps, we first go to the light switch.  She helps me turn the light out.  Then we go to turn the floor fan on and we play peek-a-boo in the mirror.  Finally, we go to the glider to nurse and she plays with the birdies.  

She will have full conversations with them.  Sometimes it sounds like she is yelling at them.  Like, "Hey, fly over to my crib so I can play with you while I drift off to sleep."


Binky Fairy.

I know some of you may feel that 3.5 is a bit old to be breaking the binky habit (a part of me does too), but up until now it has saved my sanity many many nights.  The binky was only used at night and allowed Liv's nightly tuck-in to be 20 seconds flat.  Every once in awhile, I have mentioned the binky fairy coming and how much fun it will be because she will take the binkies to the hospital to all of the crying babies and give Liv something else to snuggle.  She has been excited for the binky fairy because she is the tooth fairy's sister (and her cousin just was paid a visit from her).  
We were at the gap the other day and she eyed up this tiny little puppy stuffed animal.  The older she gets, the more aware she is that you go to stores to buy stuff.  So she usually finds something she likes, asks for it, and I say, "Maybe tomorrow.  If you are still thinking of it, we can come back."  She has never taken me up on this and is over the toy within 5 seconds of leaving the store.  
So Liv woke up the next morning, asking if we can go back to the store for the doggy.  Super quick, I came up with an idea.  I put 5 dollars in one of Ryan's old birthday cards and wrote OlIVIA on the cover.  I then made a huge fuss and read the card to Liv.  I made up my own words, of course.  "Dear Olivia,  Here is $5 to go and buy that little puppy you were eyeing up...  Please put your binky in this envelope and drop it in your mailbox.  I will be back later to pick it up.  There is this poor little baby at the hospital who won't stop crying for  a binky."

She fell for it.  She spent about 15 minutes decorating the card.  Put her binky in it.  Put it in the mailbox. And we were off to the store.  

That night was pretty uneventful.  Went to bed.  Just asked about her binky once, but then remembered where it went and was fine with it.  

I woke up about 13 hours later and could have cried.  I was so proud of her.  I switched on my video moniter to check on her.......and she had a BINKy in her mouth!!!!!!!!  She must have found it in her bed.  ARGHHHH

We had to send that binky to the hospital too...........

But that night. It worked.  She slept with her doggy (whom she named Georgia- no clue why) and woke up well rested....

We will see if this lasts.



We ventured to Hershey Park on Saturday with the Katrina Clan.  Liv was her usual self ( being hesitant with the rides), but she warmed up to it.  I don't think she is ready to go on rides by herself.  As much as Ry and I want to push her because we know she will like it, we are proud of her for sticking up for herself and doing what she wants to do.  She sure did love going on rides as a family though. And she loved the wave pool ( just like jumping the beach waves).

We were there for about 8 hours and both of the girls were angels.  Charlotte fought her nap because she didn't want to miss out on the fun.  But she was pleasant so I can't complain.

All in all, it was a blast.


I think I failed this one...

So ever since Michael Jackson died, it has been Liv's topic of conversation.  Not quite sure why.  I think it is her first encounter with death (well besides out Beta fish Cupcake- but I guess she forgets that).  


 "Mommy, why was the girl crying?" (and I know she is talking about Paris Jackson on the televised funeral)

"Because that is Michael Jackson's daughter.  And he died."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, honey, he died and went to heaven."

"Well, where is that?" (as if it a town or store he is running out to)

"It is up in the sky.  Way up above the clouds." (she looks confused)

"But, why?"

"Because, honey, when people die, they go to heaven.  They get to be with everyone else who has died."

"Will I go to heaven?" (okay, a question that felt murky hearing from my 3 year old)

"One day, a LONG time from now.  When you are older than me, older then Meme, Older then Great gram."

"But I don't want to go to heaven.  What do you do up there?"  (knowing Liv, you know she has to think every single thing through from beginning to end before she commits to anything- even the carousel, and she won't even commit to that)

"Liv, then we will all be there together.  Everyone is happy and having fun.  Everyone hugs, it is like a party."

"Okay, even Charlotte."

"Yes, even Charlotte."

"But how do I get there?"

"You float up, peacefully. Like a balloon."

"But, mommy, I can't stand on the cloud.  What if I fall?"

"Honey, you won't fall."

Looking up at the sky Liv says, "Mommy, I don't see his feet."


"Michael Jackson's.  Which cloud is he on?"

"Honey, he is way way above the clouds too.  We can't see him.  But he is happy there."

At that point, I changed the subject and said, let's go water the garden......


Happy Birthday to Daddy.

We can't even begin to explain how blessed we are...... to have you.  Words do no justice.  From the moment you first held us in your arms, we felt your endless love and devotion.  You are our world.  Our Rock.  We are the luckiest girls alive to have you.  

You wore these outfits on the day we were born.  It was the day we found one another.  Got to meet eye to eye. Fall in love.  And get to live happily ever after together.

We love you Daddy!  Happy Birthday!!

Ready or Not, Here I Come.

Yesterday, we were hanging out in Lo's room after her nap.  WE usually empty her toy box and all sit on the floor and play.  Liv decided she wanted to play hide and go seek.  Her and I took turns leaving the room and counting to 10, then coming back into Lo's room to find each other.  So Liv hid first.  I left the room, came back and said, "LIVIIIII, Where are you?" (and it was super obvious because her butt was hanging out from behind the chair.  I still pretended I couldn't see her. )  "LIVVIIIIIII?!?! Where are you?"
And Charlotte, who was standing up against her toybox watching us, pointed right at Liv.  Her butt in the air.  She helped me find her.
I started cracking up and couldn't believe that Charlotte decided to participate in the game, too.

Times have changed.

It is quarter of 8 in the morning, and Liv has been in her bed for the past 12 hours (which is typical).  What has changed is now she wakes up, leans over, turns on her reading light, and reads a few books and sings a few songs.  Then she walks out of her room, goes potty (she has been out of pull ups for about a month- accident free), and finally comes in our room to say good morning.  Today I am showered and downstairs eating breakfast waiting for her to decide to join me.  

Is she turning four or fourteen???


Charlie's got Rhythm.

Notice the butt shaking and alternating arm raising.  Straight up 
Even in the buff.

Our new Bike parafernalia.

Thanks to our generous renter neighbors down the shore, we now have our very own bike trailer to take the girls around the island.  It makes the use of our car unnecessary while in SH.

Fishing off the dock.

Right before this video, Liv casted her own line and reeled it in.  This video is her reeling it in.  She did really well.  That is hard work for her little muscles.

Beach time.

We have a whole new Liv this year when it comes to beach time.  She loves jumping the wave, making sandcastles, filling her sister's baby pool, finding shells, etc.  She couldn't get enough of it.  And she never wanted to leave.

It was very nostalgic watching Liv's creativity soar with the sand and water, especially when she held Ry's hand and jumped the waves.  I spent endless hours doing that at her age.  Major flashbacks...

And Charlotte, enjoyed eating the sand and hanging out in her pool.  She loved the water too.

Light Switch Obsession.

Charlotte has a new obsession......light switches.  Whenever I am holding her, she scopes them out and turns and twists and leans and grunts.  Until I know what she wants.  I walk over to the switch and she tries to turn them on and off.  She is getting pretty good at it.  Today she did it.


another milestone.

It is the little milestones that count......
The girls took their first wagon ride around the neighborhood and to the park.  This time last year I remember visualizing this when I would wobble to the park during the summer heat.  I knew that that same time the following year, "the baby" would be almost one.  We could walk to the park in the wagon.  Well, yesterday, we did.

I couldn't stop looking back at the girls giggling and interacting.  They both loved it!