Well, I waited until today to post because even though Lo started smiling on Monday night, we weren't positive they were true smiles. It is hard to admit, but I think we have another daddy's little girl because she smiled for him first. The textbooks say smiles start anywhere from 4-8 weeks and on Monday she was 3 weeks and 1 day. All week she would smile here and there after making eye contact. Tonight she really seemed to get the hang of it.......while rocking her to sleep she cooed and then smiled at me. It melted my heart. She has such an adorable smile because her one lip curls up and then the dimple in her left cheek pops out (well pops in).
Another tear jerking moment was after baths tonight both of the girls were lying next to each other facing each other. Liv was about 1 inch from Lo's face (as she usually is) and Lo started talking to her. the sweetest sound ever. Liv loved it! It was their first conversation ever. (one of MANY)
sleepy head.
Other than two quick feedings, this is what charlotte does pretty much every day from 10 am- 4. She is usually awake and alert for 2 hours in the morning and two hours at bed time. She is too busy dreaming and growing. I know too well that this will change. Both the girls have been coordinating their naps since Lo came home. So I have time to workout and do laundry. I also know this will change. Way too good to be true. Or could we have just lucked out?
Can you believe she is almost 4 weeks old?????!!!! I am actually really sad that she is out of newborn diapers and already not wearing the hospital style kimono shirts. I already have a pile of clothes to go back in the attic. She never even fit into the preemie stuff I had for Liv :(
Can you believe she is almost 4 weeks old?????!!!! I am actually really sad that she is out of newborn diapers and already not wearing the hospital style kimono shirts. I already have a pile of clothes to go back in the attic. She never even fit into the preemie stuff I had for Liv :(
Lo just got done eating and Liv is drawing pictures of us. I missed the funniest part when Liv claimed that the picture of daddy looked like a banana. (it kinda did) We were all cracking up........
slumber party feeling.
One of my secretly favorite times of day is when I am rocking Lo to sleep and Liv comes in the nursery and sits next to me. The reason it is secretive is because it is usually the time of day that I am ready for a break and lose my patience if Lo doesn't fall asleep immediately. On the other hand, it is really a cozy time. The lights are out and liv and I whisper to each other. She sits in a rocker that was mine when I was a toddler that my grandparents got me. I can tell Liv really enjoys this time too. She asks for it and says, "Mommy, it is time to go rock Charlotte." Then she sits down and whispers," So, mommy, what's new?" Then we chat back and forth for a little while.
I watch her rock and it reminds me of the days I sat and rocked in it. Then I look in my arms and just have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming. It is such a special little girly sleep over, snuggly feeling. But more exciting because I get to do it every night with my very own two little girls.
I watch her rock and it reminds me of the days I sat and rocked in it. Then I look in my arms and just have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming. It is such a special little girly sleep over, snuggly feeling. But more exciting because I get to do it every night with my very own two little girls.
Mixed emotions.
Well, today was a first........ Liv's friend Abby who lives on the corner came knocking on the door and asked if Liv would go with her to play for a little. Liv has never left me to go on a playdate by herself. It just so happens that Abby's babysitter lives behind us. So even though Liv was by herself, my mom and I kept spying on her (haha). She was having a blast. I went to check on her and called her attention.. She just waves with a look of pride and kept playing. After about 25 minutes my mom went out and asked if she was ready to come home and she said "No!" (as I wipe the tears from my eyes, but smile with pride at the same time)
She kept playing and eating a pretzel rod.........
She kept playing and eating a pretzel rod.........
Mullets. Mohawks.
So funny. When I think back to Liv's first hair do. Once she lost her baby hair, she had a mullet because she rubbed all of the other hair off from sleeping on her back. Now Lo has a full on Mohawk. Her hair stands about 2 inches straight up on the top of her head. Why is it that some parts of your head grows hair at a quicker speed than others? Liv's was the back and now Lo's is the top.
Good Charlotte.
I am not referring to the punk band........I am referring to our little 3 week old angel Charlotte. Since she got home from the hospital she has only gotten up twice a night and last night once. She is giving us 3, 4 and sometimes 5 hour stretches. I think I peed more when I was pregnant. I will not hold my breathe, but I will enjoy it while it lasts.
a look back.
This Sade song was our wedding song and although our family has doubled in size, we still live by the lyrics.
Love doesn't Divide. It Multiplies.
As much as people told me that my love would multiply when Charlotte was born, I was fearful. I couldn't imagine being able to feel more love than I did with just having Liv. I am here to say, I have so much love in my heart for my little girls. Just when I thought I couldn't love Liv anymore than I did, Lo came along. I was so afraid that I would have to divide my love in half. The truth is, I love Liv SO much more now. I just look at her and relive all of the quirky things she did as a baby. I realize all of the stages Liv went through to become the amazing little girl she is now. At the same time, I get to discover all of Charlotte's beauty and sweetness. I am so in love. I feel so blessed to have our family. They are my ROCK .
**(ROCK is our family name acronym- Ryan, Olivia, Corinne, Charlotte, Corriah Katrina).
**(ROCK is our family name acronym- Ryan, Olivia, Corinne, Charlotte, Corriah Katrina).
What a difference.
Well I have to say, Charlotte has been on more outings in her 2 weeks of life then Liv did in her first 2 months of life. Now granted, I haven't ventured out with out Ryan. I am not ready to be out numbered in a public setting (other then our neighborhood park and walk to play groups). It is also helpful that it is summer time my germaphobia doesn't quite set in until November. We have been out to eat, coffee shop runs, the mall, suburban square, parks, grocery store etc. Life just goes on when you have a toddler reminding you that you can't have daily nurse-ins in bed. Although I am dragging half of the time, it forces me to not get stuck in that "NewBaby Bubble" that I was in with Liv. I have ran out twice by myself.....once to get a pedi. What a world of a difference....... When Liv was born I think I ran out to the grocery store and filled a cart in 20 minutes just because I was afraid she would have to nurse while I was gone. I have already pumped twice and Lo took a bottle without any trouble. Ryan and Liv gave it to her. I even gave her some (which is not typical for babies to take from a bottle when the true source is right there).
So far, so good! However, we have just approached the 2 week growth spurt so an all day nurse-in is what I need. Not happening..... we will get through it though.
So far, so good! However, we have just approached the 2 week growth spurt so an all day nurse-in is what I need. Not happening..... we will get through it though.
My Hero.
Who would have thought that I could look up to a 2.5 year old? I am so proud of Liv. She has amazed me with her acceptance of her baby sister. Other than a few typical toddler episodes, Liv has been so incredibly loving to Lo. She watches after her and has found some creative ways to interact with her. She is so nurturing. How refreshing...... She is my hero.
Weight check.
We took Charlotte today for her second doctor's appointment. On Thursday she was 7 lb .2 oz. and today she was 7 lb. 10 oz. That is a half a pound in days...........You go girl! She is feeding every 3 to 4 hours and getting a good size meal each time(not like her big sister who was a snacker allllll day).
The doctor said she looks super healthy and is in the 50 % for height, weight, and head size. It was super sweet when we were there because Liv didn't like the doctor handling her little sister. She kept saying "now give her to my daddy". So Swweeettttt! Over protective already........
The doctor said she looks super healthy and is in the 50 % for height, weight, and head size. It was super sweet when we were there because Liv didn't like the doctor handling her little sister. She kept saying "now give her to my daddy". So Swweeettttt! Over protective already........
Our family is growing.
Just wanted to post congrats to Aunt Chrissy and Uncle Brian for getting engaged. We are so incredibly happy for them. They seem like a match made in heaven. Can't wait to help Chrissy with the planning. She is going to look so beautiful in a wedding dress.
We love you guys!
We love you guys!
My life is fulfilled.
Throughout my pregnancy journey, I was so afraid of having two kids. How could I ever love two? Do I have enough love for two? Will Liv feel slighted? Can I handle it all? etc.
Not to say, I don't have moments where I still have those fears, but for the past 6 days, I have discovered more love within my heart then I ever imagined. Not only do I love Ryan more than ever, I love Liv, I love Charlotte. I love the love I see between Liv and Charlotte. I knew liv was an amazing little girl, but now I look at her in a different light as well. She is a big sister. I just gave her the best gift anyone could ask for. I friend for life.
My favorite moments so far are the ones when I am nursing Charlotte and Liv comes over onto my other side. She rests her head on my chest and watches Lo eat. Liv kisses Charlotte's forehead, then I kiss Liv's as I hear Charlotte chugging away. Love rushes through my heart like never before. I have created two beautiful little girls. What have I done so right in my life to be so lucky?
We have the perfect little family of four. My life is so fulfilled!
3 days old.
Our girls are doing great. Liv loves her sister so much. She is being our little mama. She doesn't like when her sister is upset and tried to sing to her to comfort her. Liv can't get enough of holding Charlotte. Liv and mommy went to the park today for some solo time. When we ride in the car, we look back and Liv is reaching out trying to hold Lo's hand. So priceless.......
Charlotte's Here.
Well the time has finally arrived where we area family of four. On her due date, Charlotte decided to arrive. I woke up at around 7 am with some mild cramping that was every 5 minutes but nothing I would have been alarmed with. The only reason why I was alarmed was bc it was exactly every 5 minutes and that is how my labor started with Liv. I woke Ryan up and we called the doctor. They told us to come into the hospital because of my extremely fast unmedicated delivery with Liv. This time I wanted an epidural if I had the choice. We met both of our families at the hospital and they entertained LIv while I was getting checked and stuff. At about 12 pm the doctor decided to break my water. I had extreme contractions for about an hour then got the epidural at about 1:30. (Which by the way is HEAVEN) As soon as I got it, I felt like I was at a spa getting a spa treatment. The relief was incredible. However, not too long later (maybe 20 minutes) I felt major pressure and asked to get checked. The doctor checked me at about 2:00 and I was complete and ready to push. She told me to sit back and enjoy my epi for a little (well that was hard because I really had to push). But at 2:45 the nurse told me to push. I pushed through two contractions. The nurse turned to grab some gloves. She put one on (not the other), and turned to me. She ran over and I pushed Charlotte out with m y third contraction. The nurse delivered her with one glove on and no doctor in site. The look on the doctor’s face when she walked in the room was extreme shock. It was amazing. Ryan, My mom, and Ryan’s mom were in the room coaching me. It was incredible.
Charlotte came out with a full head of hair and looking identical to her mommy. The pictures of me as a baby are identical to her. As soon as she was born, everyone came back to meet her. Olivia was especially excited. She couldn’t wait to hold her and kiss her. What a moment…….to see two little girls that we Ryan and I have created. I couldn’t ask for anything else…….
Ry will be home for almost two weeks as we adjust to our new family. Our girls are in love and are future best friends for life. You may not heare from me for a little while. Once we have time to actually sit and open our laptops, my posts will keep coming. Until then, wish us some sleep.........
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