I can't believe it has been 8 months since I last posted. I need to get better at this because in 10 years when these toddler days are long over, these memories will be priceless. The only thing about these toddler years, is that Livi doesn't stand still long enough for me to open my laptop let alone long enough for me to think straight and type a complete thought.
I am sad to say that Liv is 7 weeks from turning the big 0-2. She is growing so much and every SINGLE day she learns more and more about life. She can make about 10 animal sounds (monkey is her fave), knows 6 colors, can climb mount everest in less than 1 minute (well not really, but everything else ex. kitchen island). Liv is our little shy one. She starts out every new experience or playdate by being shy and timid but ends it with jumping up and down, squealing, and screaming for C B (ice cream). Liv has quite the schedule and keeps herself very social. On Mondays, we do Mommy and me yoga, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are usually neighborhood playdates and walks to the park. Thursdays are at grandmom and grandpop's with her cousins. We have been heading down to Mimi and Pops in SH every other weekend for long weekends too. This summer is much different than last summer. Liv LOVES going on the boat, walks on the beach, strolls up town, swimming in her pool, swinging in the porch swing, etc. Anything outside! This summer is also different because Liv is FINALLY sleeping through the night. It took 18 months of NONSTOP night wakings, but she finally got it down. She loves her crib and COCO (her lovey).
Liv's favorite toys are her baby dolls. ANything that involves being a mommy. Her newest past time is having all her baby dolls go on the potty.She loves putting diapers on them, feeding them bottles, and putting them in her shopping cart and stroller. We are super excited for the fall because Liv is signed up for dance and art class. She will continue yoga because she loves it. It is so funny watching a 22 month old do down dog twist and tree pose. haha! Even though she is turning two soon and I feel sad, I am also so excited because she truly is my little pal in crime. We have so much fun together and I would not change my time with her for ANYTHING. Everyday I look at her and fall in love with who she is becoming. Even though Liv has become such a little summer babe, we are also looking forward to the fall and winter. We LOVe our walks with Corriah in the woods and Halloween. We are already thinking about what Liv can be for Halloween. We may dig out one of my old costumes that my mom made for me. We will also be going to a phillies game in the fall so that will be fun. We also decided to bite the bullet and go on a plane this winter to Bahamas. She will probably love it because she is obsessed with watching planes in the sky.
I promise not to wait another 8 months before I post again. Until then, much love!