Boy, oh, boy! What a year! I can't believe all that has happened......How much Liv has grown. How much I have grown. How much love our family has discovered. It is amazing how much love a little being can bring...can give....can teach.
It is a week shy of Liv's first birthday. She has been taking risks and climbing on everything. Her favorite toys this week are the front door, her Olivia chair, and Corriah's water bowl. She also loves to help mommy clean the fridge out by grabbing whatever she can and pulling it onto the floor.
Her favorite game to initiate is peek a boo. She loves to stand in the kitchen and peek her head into the living room. She could play that game for hours if it was up to her.
This week has been filled with birthday party prep work. It truly feels like a celebration. I day that a few years ago I feared would never happen. I have mixed feelings because I feel like she is saying goodbye to her baby phase and pludging full force into toddlerhood. I haveto keep reminding myself that I still have a few years of being the center of her universe. I still have a few years of protecting her from mean kids and self-doubt (kinda).
My goal is to teach her self-worth and self-confidence. I want her to embrace all of her strengths and flaws. I want her to be proud of who she is. If I do that then all that I have done (a year of sleepless nights and days of endless messes) will be all worth it. My reason for living and being a genuine person is to teach her all that I can.
Oh by the way, Liv broke a record by taking 42 steps tonight. Just a week ago she was only taking three steps here and there. Now she is really testing her balance and strength out. It is so much fun seeing her excitement when she realizes what she can do.
I will go for now. I will probably post some photos and have a story for you after her birthday party. Until then, much love!