It has been two months since I have posted and Alot had been going on in the Katrina Household. A month ago, Ryan took the biggest leap EVER, by leaving QVC and going to Comcast to work in the interactive media department. He LOVES it and it is a HUGe challenge for him. It was the opportunity of a lifetime that he could not pass up. Now that he is commuting on the train to center city ever day, we decided to move. We found a PERFECT house in Havertown, PA which is a suburb of Philadelphia on the Main Line. We move in four weeks and have been so busy prepping for it. We also have been showing our house to try and sell it. (fingers crossed) Christmas is next week and we hope Santa treats Liv real good because she deserves it.
Besides the fact that she still is not a "great" sleeper, she is so MUCH FUN. Did I mention EXHAUSTING? Gymborie has taught her how to CLIMB on everything. Her Latest past time is bouncing on the big exercise ball, dancing in the kitchen with mommy to the Chipmunks Christmas. She loves feeding Dora when she eats. Whenever she eats, she has to smoosh the same food with dora and take turns sharing bites (so FUNNY). Liv LOVES dancing to anything. All she has to hear is a beat of ANY sort and her foot starts tapping and she runs over to mommy or daddy to dance with ehr. She also has the eye of a scout. She will notice a hawk in the sky from way far and start pointing and OOOHING. She LOVES animals. Her favorite book right now is her BIG COLOR book which is a collage of items all the same color. She loves to sit with us and point to whatever we ask her to. She is such a sponge and knows so many things already. She loves saying Dora, Yes, etzel (for pretzel), Crap (oops! she got that from me). She loves nodding her head yes (we haven't mastered the meaning of no yet, it is driving me NUTZ). She likes to let us know when she is ready go nighty night by waving and saying(nay,na). When she is ready for a nap and I asked her if she is ready, she walks into her room (so GREAT). I never thought that would happen....
A few weeks ago, we went to see Santa (two times). Each time, she screamed bloody murder. I think we traumatized her!
We are so excited for our new house. I probably won't post until we are settle in. I will be posting pics of it soon. Until next time, much LOVE!